Abstract Purpose – Benefits of modularity are being limited by the lack of agreement over terminology. Neither researchers nor managers use the same typology, complicating comparisons of modular strategies. Design/methodology/approach – Presents existing problem, then develops comprehensive and necessary typology. Examples illustrate practical use of the typology, and help reader understa…
Dalam undang-undang nomor 43 tahun 2009 tentang kearsipan disebutkan bahwa arsip adalah rekaman kegiatan atau peristiwa dalam berbagai bentuk dan media sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dibuat dan diterima oleh lembaga negara, pemerintah daerah, lembaga pendidikan, perusahaan, organisasi politik, organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan perseorangan dalam pelaksanaan kehi…
Interaksi growth-profit-solid atau GPS mutlak dipenuhi oleh sebuah organisasi perusahaan secara serentak. Perseroan akan mati, cepat atau lambat, jika tidak ada growth alias pertumbuhan, tidak ada profit, dan tidak solid. Perseroan bangkrut kalau salah satu elemen GPS tersebut tidak terjadi. Misalnya, interkoneksi hubungan berikut ini, perseroan mencetak growth yang spektakuler, jika rug…
The integration of business processes across multiple companies can provide economic benefits, thus ensuring the sustainability of the involved companies. However these advantages are accompanied by many potential risks. For instance, emerging disruptions within a supply chain can spread over several partners resulting in economic losses. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the development…
The integration of business processes across multiple companies can provide economic benefits, thus ensuring the sustainability of the involved companies. However these advantages are accompanied by many potential risks. For instance, emerging disruptions within a supply chain can spread over several partners resulting in economic losses. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the development…
The present paper provides a review of the literature focusing the relationship between human capital and performance essentially at firm level. The exercise of reviewing existing literature permitted to uncover three major neglected issues: 1) defining and measurement intellectual and human capital, 2) the analysis of human capital - firm performance relationship; and 3) human resources manage…
The critical egde is incisive and well written. It should be well received not only by the business community in general, but by others wishing to improve upon individual and organizational performance.