There are numerous possible advantages to be gained from the accurate prediction of future movements in the Baltic Freight Index (BFI). Because of the difficulties inherent in long-range forecasting, however, the potential for such predictions to provide insight into the future state of the physical dry bulk market is perhaps limited. The greater accuracy of short-term forecasts, on the other h…
The book is yearbook 1990. contents this book abaut supply of shipping services, demand for shipping services, shipsailing data, supply / demand belance, freight market, country reports and shipbuilding.
Selama 5000 tahun pengiriman telah melayani perekonomian dunia dan hari ini menyediakan layanan transportasi canggih untuk setiap bagian dari dunia. Namun meskipun kompleksitas ekonomi, pengiriman mempertahankan banyak dari pemotongan yang kompetitif dan tekanan dari "sempurna" pasar ekonomi klasik. Campuran logistik canggih dan lebih besar dari pengusaha kehidupan membuatnya menjadi studi k…