Increasing Employee Engagement Through Career Development in Pelindo IV
Reform in the Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) or "Pelindo IV" at the beginning of 2014 requires changes in all fields, including the Human Resources Management. In accordance with the vision "To be a valuable and attractive company through process and service excellence with happy people" and one of the point in the mission Directorate of Human Resource and General Affairs at Pelindo IV is challenged to how to make employees more engage with a happy feeling. Employee Engagement is a state/condition in which the studies have concluded that employee engagement will be directly proportional to the employee performance
From the survey results, employee satisfaction scores in Pelindo IV in 2014 at 84.70%, these result indicate that the employee has a good perception of the company and they have a fairly high level of satisfaciton of the company. But on the other hand, scores commitment results are not directly proportional to the employee's satisfaction that only at 67.8%. This shows that altough levels of employee satisfaction on the company is fairly high, but the employee does not fully commitment to management. The category of Growth and Opportunity in which this item contains questions about career management. And the results on the level of employee satisfaction by 77%. Therefore, this study aims to identify the problems related to identify the problems related to career management based on the company regulation PD 60-2010 regarding the Career Management in Pelindo IV.
By using qulitative methods in this research, the results indicate that the application of the PD 60-2010 is no longer appropriate to the business conditions and demands of employees at this time. And the solutions proposed to overcome this problem is implementing Competency-based Career Development with "2 ways initiative" : Organizational and Individual Initiatives. A solution to Increasing the level of employee satisfaction and employee engagement as stated in one Pelindo IV mission.