The Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Dicipline on The Productivity of Employees at Port of Panjang
Employee productivity is a very important factor for any company, which is one of determining factor in the successful development of the company. If the productivity of employees does not get serious attention from management, will impact on the qua]ity of services, which in turn wiJl lead to a reduction in the number of customers.
Productivity does not mean making employees work longer or work harder, but the increase in employee productivity more emphasis on the result of proper planning, wise investment, new technology, how to work better, and higher efficiency. Productivity enhancement as a process to achieve higher levels of output While consuming same or lesser amount of input resources<
As one of the port service providers, increasing productivity of the port is a major commitment to the Port of Panjang in supporting of national commercial shipping fleet in the national transportation system, through improved operational effectiveness and efficiency of service. Efforts to increase the productivity of employees based on the thought that Port of Panjang can provide good services with international standards, as part of the anticipation of the emergence of new competitors in the business of port services.