Intermodal Solution for New Priok Port In Order To Have a Smoother Cargo Flow From and To the Main Hinterland
Over the years, Port of TanjungPriok is the main National hub port in Indonesia that gives major contributions and is energizing the regional and national economy. Synergizing with the improvement of national economy, Port of TanjungPriok is also experiencing a staggering container throughput increases especially in the last five years, that resulted in the existing capacity struggling with the numbers of container throughput. The current container capacity in the Port of Tan1ungPnok1s 7,2 mllhon TEUs, with a current 6,2 million TEUs throughput in 2012 and is projected to reach full capacity in 2014.
Therefore,lndonesia Port Corporation initiated to develop new port that is located adjacent with Tanjung Priok Port.This new port is called New Priok Port. New Priok Port will be developed from 2012 to 2030 with 432 ha land area in total that is divided into two types of terminals which are; seven container terminals with a maximum capacity of 10,5 TEUs in total and two petroleum product terminals with a maximum capacity of 1 million m3 in total. New Priok Port will further be able to handle vessels wtth more than 8000 TEUs of containers capacity (New Panamax
However, as per the condition that in the present Tanjung Priok Port, where trucks are the only transportation that is available to transport the cargo; has made Tanjung Priok Port to be hindered by road congestion, in which, (from the interviews) the stakeholders have also confirmed that this congestion is the main issues. On_the other hand, the development of New Priok Port, that is located adjacent with Tanjung Priok Port and has more cargo capacity than the present Tanjung Priok Port, is also not supported with any other option of transportation modality beside by road. This condition is therefore resulting in to severe road congestion and further affects the competitiveness of the port and the disruption of the national economy. Nevertheless the development of New Priok Port is supported by the development of new toll road networks that connects the port wtth its main hinterland, the Cikarang Industrial Area that is located at the Eastern side of the Port. These new toll roads are called Jakarta Outer Ring Road, and consist of two networks, Priok Access and Cilincing-Cibitung Access. Based on vehicle capacity ratio, the first toll road access that will be congested is the (upcoming) Tanjung Priok- Cakung access (as part of Priok Acces) withthe ratio of o 82 in 2016. However, taking an example in Cawang - TanJung Priok toll access in 2015 the VCR is 0,72, this mean that in 2013 the VCR should be lower than 0,72 (theoretically not yet congested). However, in practice the average speed in 2013 is lower than 7km/h, where the normal average speed for heavy vehicles is about 40km/h. Thus, as indicated the Jakarta Outer Ring Road networks situation is further deteriorating, therefore, with the above mentioned condition, an alternative for intermodal solution is required with respect to improve the port-hinterland connection.