Thesis And Disertation
The Validity On Legal Perspective And/Or Functionality Shareholders Construction In PT ILCS (Indonesia Logistic Cipta Solusi)
In 2008, Indonesia issued a new regulation, the Shipping Act Number 17 year 2008. The objective of this law is the development of an efficient, competitive and responsive port system in Indonesia.
This law is very different from the previous one, Act Number 21 year 1992 about Shipping. According to this amended law IPC (Indonesian Port Corporation) becomes port-operator. The Port Authority Office is appointed as regulatory agency . The law allows Private companies to be established and run a port. This should lead to free competition in the world of port and shipping in Indonesia. IPC also improves the implementation of a 24/7-service principle to the benefit of the customers. This should reduce the cost for logistics especially for the clients that use Tanjung Priok Port. Later this idea is to be extended to other ports.