Business Data
Market overview - Indonesia - Q3 2007
Indones ia is the world's larg es t archipelag o, with a s urface area of 1.9 2mn km and a population of 234 .8mn (20 0 3). Es s entially a collection of over 17,0 0 0 is lands , of which 6 ,0 0 0 are inhabited, it s hares land borders with Eas t Timor, Malays ia and Papua New Guinea. The country is located in a s trateg ically important area, along major s ea lanes linking the Indian and Pacific oceans . The terrain is mainly formed by coas tal lowlands , althoug h the larg er is lands have interior mountains . Indones ia's main export markets are Japan, USA, Sing apore, South Korea and China in that order of importance. Its main s ources of imports are from Japan, Sing apore, the US and China, als o in order of importance.