Business Data
Global company strategy - CMA CGM - Q2 2015
CMA CGM is the world's third-larg es t s hipping line. Compag nie Générale Maritime (CGM) was formed in 19 77 by the merg er of Mes s ag eries Maritimes (Mes sMar) and Compag nie Générale Trans atlantique (Trans at). Compag nie Maritime d'Affrètement (CMA) was founded the following year. In 996 CMA CGM was privatis ed and the following year made its firs t acquis ition, Aus tralian National Lines (ANL). This was followed by a s pree of acquis itions , beg inning with UK-bas ed MacAndrews in 20 0 2. In 20 0 6 CMA CGM purchas ed Delmas , an African s hipping line previous ly owned by Groupe Bolloré. The acquis ition propelled CMA CGM to third place in the ranking of the world's larg es t container s hipping lines . Strong g rowth enabled it to make three purchas es in 20 0 7, with the acquis ition of Taiwan-bas ed Cheng Lie Navig ation, Moroccan line COMANAV and US-bas ed US Lines . Turkey's Yildirim Group has a 24% s take (which it is s eeking to increas e to 30%) in CMA CGM and has voting rights , but the Saadé family remains in charge, with a majority of both s hares and voting rig hts . Fonds Stratég ique d'Inves tis s ement (FSI) holds a 6% s take in the company following its USD150mn equity injection in 20 13. The g roup has operations in container shipping , with a focus on reefer cargo. It also operates in the tourist industry through subsidiary Croisièreset Tourisme. CMA CGM Log is tics boas ts 57 branches in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North and South America and Africa and owns TCX Multimodal Logistics -a bonded warehous e company that operates in many French ports . CMA CGM's multimodal s ubs idiaries include French River Shuttle Containers ; ocean freight forwarder LTI France (Land Trans portation International); as well as CMA Rail (Rail Link Europe) and Prog eco - the repair arm of CMA CGM's container business . In 20 12 CMA CGM Group combined five of its multi-modal s ubs idiaries (Rail Link Europe, River Shuttle Containers , Land Trans portation International, Prog eco and TCX) into one entity - tri-modal operator Greenmodal Trans port. Terminal Link is the g roup's terminal operating business .