Business Data
Company profile - CMA CGM
CMA CGM is the world's third-larges t shipping line. Compagnie Générale Maritime (CGM) was formed in 19 77 with the merg er of the Mes s ag eries Maritimes (Mes sMar) and the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique (Transat). Compagnie Maritime d'Affrètement (CMA) was founded the following year, in 1978 , and in 1999 the two were'leg ally merg ed'. In 1996 , CMA CGM was privatised, and the following year made its firs t acquis ition, of Aus tralian National Lines (ANL). This was followed by a s pree of acquis itions , beginning with that of UK-based MacAndrews in 2002. In 2006 , CMA CGM purchased Delmas , the African s hipping line previous ly owned by Groupe Bolloré. The acquis ition propelled CMA CGM to third place in the world's container s hipping lines and s trong g rowth permitted it to make three purchas es in 2007, with the acquistion of Taiwan-based Cheng Lie Navig ation Ltd., Moroccan line COMANAV and US-based US Lines . The g roup has operations in container line s hipping , with a s pecial focus on reefer carg o, and als o operates in the tourism indus try, with its s ubs idiary Crois ièreset Tourisme. CMA CGM Log is tics operates 14 offices in China, Europe and the Middle East, and the group also owns TCX Multimodal Logistics , abonded warehous e company that operates in many French ports . CMA CGM's multimodal subsidiaries include French River Shuttle Container, the ocean freight forwarder LTI France, CMA Rail and Prog eco, the repair arm of CMA CGM's container bus ines s . Terminal Link is the g roup's terminal operating business .
Judul | Edisi | Bahasa |
Global Company Strategy - CMA CGM - Q3 2015 | Q3 2015 | en |
Global company strategy - CMA CGM - Q4 2015 | Q4 2015 | en |