Business Data
Company profile - CSAV
Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores (CSAV) was founded in Chile in 1872 and has been traded on the Santiago Stock Exchange since it opened in 1893. The company initially concerned its elf s olely with coas tal s hipping , but this s oon g rew to include the whole wes t coas t of South America. This was later extended to include services to the US, then Europe, followed by Eas t Asia, South East Asia and the east coast of South America. Today CSAV is the larg es t s hipping company in the Americas , offering services trans porting containers , dry bulk, fres h and frozen products , and vehicles to five continents . The Chilean carrier has the right specification of ship for carrying thes e varying cargoes , either owned or chartered. It has a large number of fixed itineraries throug h which it is able to provide year-round deliveries to various ports , and has in recent years introduced intermodal services , combining different modes of trans port to provide a door-to-door package. This intermodal element is provided by CSAV's subsidiaries , Sudamericana Agencias Aéreasy Marítimas (SAAM), a cargo-s hipping ag ency, and COSAN, a container terminal in Santiago.