Fundamental trade union rights and european constitution
“The new Eu ro pean Con sti tu tion re cog nises the func tion of the role of the so cial di a logue in the EU con text as a key el e ment of the Eu ro pean strat e gies. But the im pres sion is that the le gal out come con tained in the too so ber sen tences of the Eu ro pean Con sti tu tion is not co her ent with the role gained de facto by so cial part ners to day in the na tional mem bers states and at the EU con text. It is still strik ing the lack ing of le gal rules to guar an tee ing the re spect of trans na tional trade un ion rights as the right of as so ci a tion and strike. The phi los o phy pro mot ing col lec tive la bour re la tions at EU level, en shrined in the Con sti tu tion, does not find a co her ent de vel op ment in the web of pro vi sions in ter est ing la bour law and in dus trial re la tions. The lan guage of the so cial de moc racy is not in - creased in all stages of the con sti tu tional itin er ary where it would be more ap pro pri ate and logic to in volve so cial part ners in all fields of their in ter ests: macroeconomy and so cial pol i cies.”
Judul | Edisi | Bahasa |
The law and partice relating to oil pollution from ships | en | |
ERP Fundamental Workshop | 5 - 7 Desember 2017 | id |