Community Knowledge Centers for Liberia: meeting Africa’s millennium goals through a unique collaboration of communities,universities, libraries, and schools for Liberia’s economic and social development
Liberia is at the crossroads. Still recovering from a protracted civil war, there is inadequate education, high illiteracy rates particularly for women and where the population is 90 percent food insecure. Libraries are non-existent outside of universities at which libraries are woefully inadequate. Through various initiatives Rutgers University and others are working to help develop a twenty-first century workforce in the country. However, a twenty-first century workforce requires access to twenty-first century information and libraries play an essential role. The focus on libraries is being developed on several fronts. Although several initiatives are taking place, each of these is a thread that
together can form a fabric of hope for a country with extreme poverty yet rich in natural resources. Each of these threads focus on meeting the UN’s 2015 millennium goals but for these programs to be successful, libraries are essential to weaving these threads together. A multipronged approach is needed to build an information free wa for Liberia that includes access to information resources either via the internet or a library in a box or library in a flash (on a flash drive), tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices,
skilled professionals in agriculture and engineering and libraries and librarians.