The second volume tackles the substantive maritime law with a particular emphasis on risk and liabilities, and analyses ..."> The second volume tackles the substantive maritime law with a particular emphasis on risk and liabilities, and analyses ..."/>
Modern Maritime Law Volume 2 : Managing Risks and Liabilities
The second volume tackles the substantive maritime law with a particular emphasis on risk and liabilities, and analyses issues of contract, tort and criminal law, causation and remoteness of damages. Key features of Volume Two include: An analysis of the regulatory regime, new EU and IMO safety at sea legislation, reforming practices for flag states and recognised organisations, vetting, codes of good practice, and International Conventions. An explanation of the Rules of attribution of liability, the impact of the ISM Code upon liabilities, including criminal, corporate manslaughter, and the new Directive for ship-source pollution. Important developments in areas including: Ship-managing risks, best endeavours and fiduciary duties Mortgagees risks and economic torts New BIMCO standard terms of contracts Ship-sale risks ? including sale `as is? and `as she was? Shipbuilding risks ? guarantees and performance bonds New trends on wrongful acts of employees, collisions and measure of damages, salvage issues, environmental salvage, and towage contracts Piracy risks cases and general average New perspectives on risks and liabilities of port authorities Pollution liabilities, including trends of prosecution of class societies and charterers and new limits of liability under International Conventions.