Suatu ketika, terjadi kebakaran di sebuah rumah. Di dalam rumah naas tersebut tertidur seorang pemuda dengan sangat nyenyak. Seorang lelaki masuk dan mencoba membawa pemuda itu keluar melalui jendela. Tidak bisa. Dia mencoba lagi melalui pintu. Tidak bisa juga. Pemudda itu terlalu besar dan berat. Lelaki tersebut hampir saja putus asa ketika ada seseorang yang memberikan saran, �Bangunkan pem…
A proven model to create high-performing, high-trust organizations Globally, there has been a decline in trust over the past few decades, and only a third of Americans believe they can trust the government, big business, and large institutions. In The Decision to Trust, Robert Hurley explains how this new culture of cynicism and distrust creates many problems, and why it is almost impossible to…
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute menceritakan kisah Michael Hobbs, seorang direktur dan CEO yang tengah menghadapi kenyataan yang menyakitkan: perusahaan yang dipimpinnya akan hancur digilas persaingan jika ia tidak segera membenahi nilai dan kebiasaan yang telah berurat akar dalam perusahaannya. Ketika bertemu dengan sang Manajer yang Memampukan Karyawannya, Sandy Fitzwilliam, ia disadarka…
Coaching for Breakthrough Success is packed with stirring personal stories, life changing case studies, crucial coaching conversations, exemplary coaching questions, and ready-touse tools that equip you to achieve professional mastery in coaching. This practical manual guides you through the top 30 principles every coach needs to succeed. You?ll learn the six paradigms of Situational Coachin…
Courageous Leadership: Using Courage to Transform the Workplace is a comprehensive training package that offers consultants and facilitators a step-by-step approach for using courage to strengthen leadership skills, improve performance, and counteract the negative impacts of fear in the workplace. The Courageous Leadership training program provides trainers and consultants the tools needed f…
There are a number of large companies that are well known for their leadership development efforts, but what model do smaller organizations follow? This title focuses on smaller companies, typically with up to 5,000 employees, and will provide a blueprint for a leadership development program for mid-level managers who have been identified as having high potential…
Harness the power of the leaders in your organization to grow your learning culture. Expanding on the leadership development approach introduced in the 2009 bestselling title, Leaders as Teachers, this new action guide shares the experiences of companies where "leaders as teachers" is the driving principle for leadership development. Leaders as Teachers Action Gu…
Dave Ulrich--the man BusinessWeek referred to as the "#1 Management Educator and Guru"--teams up with leadership expert Norm Smallwood to go where no leadership guide has gone. This dream team provides sophisticated, proven leadership sustainability ideas and tools that you can put to use immediately. Leadership Sustainability helps you turn good intentions into …
Strategic Change Leaders merupakan buku pertama di indonesia yang mengisahkan peran pemimpin dalam perubahan organisasi. Buku ini memberi wawasan kepada pembaca mengenai : Bagaimana memahami persoalan dalam organisasi? Bagaimana menentukan visi organisasi? Bagaimana mengomunikasikan visi? Bagaimana menggerakan anggota organisasi untuk mencapai visi? Bagaimana menghadapi resistensi?
Nilai seorang pemimpin terletak pada kemampuannya me - mainkan banyak peran: membawa organisasi ser ta orangorang yang ia pimpin menghasilkan se be sar-besarnya manfaat bagi semua pemangku ke pen tingan, yaitu karyawan, pemegang saham, lingkungan, masyarakat luas, bahkan bangsa dan negara. LEAD BY HEART adalah rekam jejak MICHAEL D. RUSLIM, CEO Astra 2005- 2010, dalam mengemban banyak peran …
Leaders should leave us better of than they found us. Open-door leaders don't sell hope. In fact they don't sell anything. They build. They experiment. They act. They create. The legacy of open-door leadership is more open-door leadership. When leaders open doors of opportunity for others, they have a lasting impact on people who can then open doors of opportunity for others. It's a tradition t…
"Defining Moments is a deeply honest, personal and at times moving account of one man's voyage of self-discovery. Through a series of "defining moments," Kees shows how personal crises and professional challenges can not only be overcome but can also be used to help give greater purpose and meaning to life - to help make the individual stronger, the family more cohesive and the organization mor…
Kerja sama selalu menjadi pusat dari prestasi besar, kata penulis terlaris versi New York Times, John C. Maxwell, masalahnya bukanlah apakah tim akan memberi nilai tambah. Masalahnya adalah apakah kita akan mengakui fakta itu dan berusaha menjadi pemain tim yang lebih baik,' Rencana permainan yang jelas dan sangat baik ini akan membantu Anda menciptakan lingkungan yang menghasilkan kemenangan d…
Kebanyakan dari kita ingin mencapai kesuksesan dalam hidup. Namun apakah Anda TAHU bahwa Anda mengambil langkah dan arahan yang benar? Kesuksesan berbeda bagi setiap orang, namun prinsipnya tidak berubah. Dalam Success 101, Jphn Maxwell membagi kesuksesan hingga pada komponen terpentingnya dan menunjukkan dengan tepat seperti apa rasanya meraih kesuksesan itu. RESENSI TERKINI - Success 101 : Ha…
APAKAH ANDA MEMBANTU ORANG LAIN MENCAPAI TINGKATAN SELANJUTNYA ? - Para pemimipin terbaik memiliki mentor yang baik- Saat ini, ahli kepemimipinan bertaraf internasional, John C. Maxwell, memberikan hal terpenting mengenai Mentoring dalam satu volume yang singkat dan mudah untuk di baca. Dalam mentoring 101, ia menberikan langkah-langkah agar anda bisa secara efektif memproduksi kesuksesan di da…
HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE LEAD (Lejitkan pengaruh Anda ke level yang lebih tinggi) TERUS MENANJAK KE LEvEL KEPEMIMPINAN TERTINGGI Tahukah Anda bahwa posisi atu jabatan tidak serta-merta menjadikan Anda pemimpin yant sesungguhnya? Bahkan, Dr. Maxwell menegaskan, posisi adalh level terndah dalam kepemimpinan. Agar bisa menjadi pemimpin yang berpengaruh kuat dan luas, Anda harus beranhak dari kepemimp…
Becoming the Very Best First-Time Leader Congratulations! You’re now in charge. Perhaps it’s your first time as a leader, or maybe you want to fine-tune your skills. Either way, you’ve begun one of the most rewarding chapters of your career. But, like many beginnings, the first few years can be challenging. Fortunately, you don’t have to tackle this challenge on your own. Your First L…
The 4th Secret of the One Minute Manager menceritakan kisah seorang pria muda yang cerdas, Matt Hawkins, yang ingin menolong mentornya, presiden perusahaan itu, dalam menghadapi dan mengatasi beberapa kesalahan fatal. Matt pun meminta nasihat seorang teman keluarganya, Jack Peterson, yang dikenal oleh semua orang sebagai Manajer Satu Menit. Akhir pekan yang indah di pedesaan ini pun berubah men…
Practical tips, tools, and insight on successful team and group coaching engagements As professional development budgets at many organizations remain flat or even shrink due to financial pressures, coaches and human resources leaders are looking for new ways to do more with less funding. Team coaching?which may span intact teams, project teams and virtual teams?and group coaching?spanning both …
Transitions are a critical time for leaders. In fact, most agree that moving into a new role is the biggest challenge a manager will face. While transitions offer a chance to start fresh and make needed changes in an organization, they also place leaders in a position of acute vulnerability. Missteps made during the crucial first three months in a new role can jeopardize or even derail your suc…
28 tokoh hebat dalam buku ini bukan hanya kaya, terkenal, ataupun sukses. Mereka juaga merupakan orang-orang yang secara signifikan mengubah peta bisnis dunia. Beberapa di antara mereka melakukan karena ingin mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik, beberapa karena termotivasi uang dan kekuasaan. Sebagian memang berontak cemerlang atau kaya raya, tetapi ada juga yang berhasil karena memiliki insting …
How does a good manager become a great leader? Ask around in business circles and you?ll get a thousand different answers. But now, internationally renowned leadership expert Dr. Peter Fuda has created a single, coherent roadmap for leadership effectiveness in Leadership Transformed. After more than a decade?s research and practice, Dr. Fuda shares the seven common themes that have enabled hund…
An insightful new book from the multimillion-copy bestselling author Sean Covey and the FranklinCovey organization based on their work with hundreds of thousands of employees and large companies to unveil the essential disciplines proven to help businesses and individuals realize their most important goals. Do you remember the last major initiative you watched die in your organization? Did it g…
Workplace teams are supposed to harness employees' talents to tackle challenges. But the reality often falls short...Now imagine having a team where everyone steps up and performs all of the leadership tasks. Imagine a team that is constantly sharing knowledge and pushing the envelope - one that does long term planning and produces outstanding performance. A Team of Leaders shows readers how to…
The Self-Aware Leader provides practical and proven lessons on how becoming more self-aware within the context of your management practices will benefit you, your career, and your organization. Based on research by the author, it offers insights regarding those aspects of your management career about which you need to become self-aware, and which characteristics drive desirable leadership outco…
This updated edition of management guru Ken Blanchard?s classic work Leadership and the One Minute Manager? teaches leaders the world renowned method of developing self-reliance in those they manage: Situational Leadership? II. From Leadership and the One Minute Manager? you?ll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; why knowing when to delegate, support, …
Group coaching is rapidly becoming the preferred coaching option for businesses and individuals. Effective Group Coaching is a practical, resource rich, hands-on guide for the group coaching facilitator in one of the fastest growing new disciplines. Organizations, community groups and individuals are discovering that group coaching is an exciting and sustainable model and process for learning a…
The On Time, On Target Manager adalah kisah mengenai Bob, seorang manajer menengah pada umumnya, yang menunda segala hal hingga pada detik terakhir. Sebagai hasilnya, ia tidak bisa memenuhi tenggat waktu yang telah ditetapkan karena tidak adanya fokus membuatnya menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang tidak penting sebelum menyelesaikan hal yang lebih penting. Sama seperti banyak profesional lainnya, Bo…