The book has been arbitrarily split up into three parts. the first part- this is abaut prevention and clean-up, consisting of introduction, operational discharges, accidental discharges, enforcement of operational standart, interviention by a coastal stste, international co-operation, financing a national anti-pollution programme, introduction. The two parts abaut civil liability. and the thr…
This book completes the trilogy by Robert H. Brown, on the principles and practice of marine insurance, which was commenced in 1968. Volume 3 encompasses the whole range of hull insurance as practised in the London insurance market. This book deals with Hull Practice in the London market, with occasional references to overseas business. The Principles of Marine Insurance were covered by Vulume…
The book hs been arbitrarily split up into four parts : the first part covers the larger batteries used for general purposes on board ship usually in the form of a central system, whereas the second part includes the smaller batteries often dedicated to a specific purpuse; the remaining two parts are devoted to the special applications of submarine and submersible propulsion, and torpedo propul…
A proven model to create high-performing, high-trust organizations Globally, there has been a decline in trust over the past few decades, and only a third of Americans believe they can trust the government, big business, and large institutions. In The Decision to Trust, Robert Hurley explains how this new culture of cynicism and distrust creates many problems, and why it is almost impossible to…
The aim of this book is to provide for marine engineers, in seagoing and maintenance appointments, on chemicals and chemical problems commonly met with in ships. The application of correct knowledge on these subjects cannot be over-emphasized since chemicals play a vital part in modern ship practice, and their mishandling or misuse can lead, at the very least, to lowered efficiency of operation…
Content this book abaut information abaut law, liens, contracts, arbitration and agrency; the ship; master and crew; log books, perotests and other records; accommondation, provisions and public walfare; carriage of passengers; the shipment, carriage and delivery of goods; procedures on arival at and on depature from a port; wreck and salvage; lighterage, towage and piltage; Lighthouses and lig…
The shipping industry has an impact on each and every one of us every day. Ships transport the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the materials used to build our homes, and the fuel that heats them. Yet traditional shipping companies - ones that combine various aspects of shipping under one organizational roof - are on the decline. They are gradually being replaced by new, mor…
This book describe about the case law in time charters in a way which will help those engaged in chartering and operating ships to refer to the leading authorities on any particular point of doubt as quickly and easily as possible. The contents of the book is formation of the contract, parties to the contract, description of the ship, terms of the contract, remedies for breach of contract, wai…
The content of book involved types of craft, reader's actions, glossary and bibliography. Ultimate authority hardly needs to be pointed out that a separate volume might will be written about almost every single entry contained in this book, so it should be understood that each entry is basically an identification only, although often with some historical background, and where necessary a more …
This book is written to guide the student through the various and extensive subjects connected with Shipping, without a deep treatment of the law, and the compilation has been arranged in a progressive order of study and as far as is possible within the scope of the volume, covers the necesssary subjects for the Institute of Charreted Shipbokers. This book contains The Shipping Company, The Sh…
ohn Tschohl's latest book, Empowerment: A Way of Life, focuses on one simple, yet powerful, principle: Empowered employees will give excellent customer service, turning unhappy customers into happy, repeat customers. Moreover, happy, empowered, fulfilled employees are less likely to leave the company--reducing turnover. Solving a customer's problem quickly benefits everyone, and that is why the…
The contenst of the book consist of three part: Part I ("Sale, Mortgage and Lien") has been in view of the replacement of the Sale of Gooda Act. To this Part has been added Paccinini v. Partrederiet Trigon II: The "Alfred Trigon" which concerned the meaning of the words "free of average damage affecting class. Part II ("Carriage of Goods by Sea") are A/S Awilco v. Fulvia S.p.A di Navigazione …
Indonesia Port Corporation II (IPC II) is one of the State Own Enterprises which is running business on the port services in Indonesia. There are four state-owned Enterprises which run port services in Indonesia. Even they are doing business in the same field, port services; there is no competition among them. Every state own enterprises has their o…
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, better known as SOLAS, which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping. The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss …
This book have several chapters become incresingly in need of updating. For example, the chapter on Limitation of Lialibility has, in this second edition, been given greater depth on the 1976 (London) Convention in view of itsnow imminent coming into effect. Also the very significant and controversial, court ruling in The Marion Case (at House of Lords level) has been written into the cahapter.…
On ship-tracking Web sites, the waters are black with dots. Each dot is a ship; each ship is laden with boxes; each box is laden with goods. In postindustrial economies, we no longer produce but buy, and so we must ship. Without shipping there would be no clothes, food, paper, or fuel. Without all those dots, the world would not work. Yet freight shipping is all but invisible. Away from publ…
The contents of book is chapter on commercial practice which includes explanations of all the common shipping terms, thus providing a solid for the more complex matters to follow. This thirteenth edition has been updated in the light of the many changes wrought by the coming into force of the Merchant Shipping Act 1979, and of the wealth of case law that has recently accrued.
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute menceritakan kisah Michael Hobbs, seorang direktur dan CEO yang tengah menghadapi kenyataan yang menyakitkan: perusahaan yang dipimpinnya akan hancur digilas persaingan jika ia tidak segera membenahi nilai dan kebiasaan yang telah berurat akar dalam perusahaannya. Ketika bertemu dengan sang Manajer yang Memampukan Karyawannya, Sandy Fitzwilliam, ia disadarka…
Coaching for Breakthrough Success is packed with stirring personal stories, life changing case studies, crucial coaching conversations, exemplary coaching questions, and ready-touse tools that equip you to achieve professional mastery in coaching. This practical manual guides you through the top 30 principles every coach needs to succeed. You?ll learn the six paradigms of Situational Coachin…
Seratus kambing yang dipimpin seekor singa akan jauh lebih berbahaya ketimbang seratus singa yang dipimpin seekor kambing,?
ungkap diplomat Prancis, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.
Ungkapan itu menjadi penting di abad ini ketika Indonesia tengah berada pada kawasan perubahan yang disebut sebagai the edge of chaos. Ya, inilah area yang didefinisikan…
Courageous Leadership: Using Courage to Transform the Workplace is a comprehensive training package that offers consultants and facilitators a step-by-step approach for using courage to strengthen leadership skills, improve performance, and counteract the negative impacts of fear in the workplace. The Courageous Leadership training program provides trainers and consultants the tools needed f…
There are a number of large companies that are well known for their leadership development efforts, but what model do smaller organizations follow? This title focuses on smaller companies, typically with up to 5,000 employees, and will provide a blueprint for a leadership development program for mid-level managers who have been identified as having high potential…
This book identifies and addresses the seven transformation journeys that are reshaping corporations today. It integrates and builds on the collective experience and learning of IMD's professors, who work directly with many organizations around the world and observe their transformation struggles at close range. By taking a holistic and interdisciplinary view of how organizations are transformi…
Harness the power of the leaders in your organization to grow your learning culture. Expanding on the leadership development approach introduced in the 2009 bestselling title, Leaders as Teachers, this new action guide shares the experiences of companies where "leaders as teachers" is the driving principle for leadership development. Leaders as Teachers Action Gu…
Dave Ulrich--the man BusinessWeek referred to as the "#1 Management Educator and Guru"--teams up with leadership expert Norm Smallwood to go where no leadership guide has gone. This dream team provides sophisticated, proven leadership sustainability ideas and tools that you can put to use immediately. Leadership Sustainability helps you turn good intentions into …
Dunia selalu berubah. Dari dulu sampai sekarang. Perubahan menjadi kebutuhan dan keharusan. Sama sekali tak bisa ditolak. Berubah atau mati. Artinya, siapa pun yang mengesampingkan perubahan, dia akan terlibas oleh zaman. Perubahan dalam tatanan geopolitik dunia selalu berkait erat dengan industri minyak dan gas. Keduanya tak bisa lepas. Mirip balon berisi udara. Jika bagian yang satu ditekan…
Strategic Change Leaders merupakan buku pertama di indonesia yang mengisahkan peran pemimpin dalam perubahan organisasi. Buku ini memberi wawasan kepada pembaca mengenai : Bagaimana memahami persoalan dalam organisasi? Bagaimana menentukan visi organisasi? Bagaimana mengomunikasikan visi? Bagaimana menggerakan anggota organisasi untuk mencapai visi? Bagaimana menghadapi resistensi?
Recognizing a significant need to continually update the current body of knowledge on management development with the latest innovations in high quality research and practice in various parts of the globe, this book provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date work on the state of research and practice in management development. Hill and Stewart provide examples of both management developmen…
berisi profil-profil advanced leadership program 2011
Buku ini diterbitkan di masa yang tepat yaitu ketika bangsa kita sangat membutuhkan pemimpin-pemimpin bisnis masa depan yang kredibel. pemikiran Sdr. Doni tentang pemimpin yang efektif akan memperkaya waswasan para pembaca.
Buku Life Story merupakan refleksi inspiratif dari Darwin Silalahi tentang kepemimpinan, manajemen, karier dan hidup. Lewat judul, buku ini mengedepankan bahwa ukuran sukses pencapaian hidup dan karier seseorang adalah makna kehidupan yang kita jalani dan perbedaan yang terciptakan melalui kepemimpinan kita. Terbebaskan dari berbagai keterbatasan melalui pendidikan, kerja keras dan kepasrahan …
Experience may be a leader's best teacher--but there's a hitch. Two people can have identical experiences, but one blossoms while the other is depleted. The same can be said for any pair of fired CEOs, unsuccessful political candidates, or rookie supervisors. In Crucibles of Leadership, Robert J. Thomas concludes that what matters most is what one makes of experience, particularly the traumati…
Buku kepemiminan professional ini memberikan fokus perhatian pada pembentukan kemampuan, kecakapan, dan perilaku kepemimpinan yang mampu mengakomodasi kondisi organisasi, nilai-nilai yang berkembang secara dinamis. Pembentukan profesionalisme pemimpin dilakukan melalui penguasaan dasar-dasar kepemimpinan, teori-teori kepemimpinan serta teknik-teknik memimpin. Oleh karena itu buku ini menyajikan…
A new style of leader is emerging from the world’s most successful organizations. These dynamic men and women are driven by possibilities and absolutely committed to mutual values. Excited, creative, and alert, they are the new change makers. Imagine: an army of these outstanding leaders running your organization. The Organizational Champion is a priceless tool for enacting positive change…
Nilai seorang pemimpin terletak pada kemampuannya me - mainkan banyak peran: membawa organisasi ser ta orangorang yang ia pimpin menghasilkan se be sar-besarnya manfaat bagi semua pemangku ke pen tingan, yaitu karyawan, pemegang saham, lingkungan, masyarakat luas, bahkan bangsa dan negara. LEAD BY HEART adalah rekam jejak MICHAEL D. RUSLIM, CEO Astra 2005- 2010, dalam mengemban banyak peran …
Leaders should leave us better of than they found us. Open-door leaders don't sell hope. In fact they don't sell anything. They build. They experiment. They act. They create. The legacy of open-door leadership is more open-door leadership. When leaders open doors of opportunity for others, they have a lasting impact on people who can then open doors of opportunity for others. It's a tradition t…
Pemimpin selalu dibutuhkan dan dipuja oleh banyak orang. Satu orang pemimpin bisa mengubah segalanya. Semua orang bisa menjadi pemimpin tapi tidak semua orang
bisa menjadi pemimpin yang hebat. Esensi kepemimpinan adalah untuk membuat orang lain bersedia melakukan apa yang Anda inginkan atas keinginannya sendiri. Buku ini akan menunjukkan kepada An…
Sejak dilahirkan, manusia diberikan “kendaraan” yang kita sebut “Self”. Hanya dengan self driving, manusia bisa mengembangkan semua potensinya dan mencapai sesuatu yang tak pernah terbayangkan. Sedangkan mentalitas passenger yang ditanam sejak kecil, dan dibiarkan para eksekutif, hanya akan menghasilkan keluhan dan keterbelengguan. Rhenald Kasali telah mengabdikan sebagian hidupnya untu…
Evaluate leadership development programs all the way to impact and ROI. Globally, a record amount is being invested in leadership development, more than at any other time in history. And that translates into additional accountability for anyone spearheading a new program.Measuring the Success of Leadership Development offers a proven methodology that will help you step up to the challenge. Yo…
"Defining Moments is a deeply honest, personal and at times moving account of one man's voyage of self-discovery. Through a series of "defining moments," Kees shows how personal crises and professional challenges can not only be overcome but can also be used to help give greater purpose and meaning to life - to help make the individual stronger, the family more cohesive and the organization mor…
WOW ditulis oleh Hermawan Kartajaya dan Ardi Ridwansyah. Hermawan Kartajaya adalah seorang pakar marketing yang dikenal sebagai One of The 50 Gurus Who Shaped the Future of Marketing. Beliau juga merupakan founder dan CEO MarkPlus, Inc; beberapa buku sudah di launching oleh beliau ini, dengan bahasan terutama mengenai marketing. Sementara itu Ardhi Ridwansyah merupakan penulis buku yan…
Kerja sama selalu menjadi pusat dari prestasi besar, kata penulis terlaris versi New York Times, John C. Maxwell, masalahnya bukanlah apakah tim akan memberi nilai tambah. Masalahnya adalah apakah kita akan mengakui fakta itu dan berusaha menjadi pemain tim yang lebih baik,' Rencana permainan yang jelas dan sangat baik ini akan membantu Anda menciptakan lingkungan yang menghasilkan kemenangan d…
Kebanyakan dari kita ingin mencapai kesuksesan dalam hidup. Namun apakah Anda TAHU bahwa Anda mengambil langkah dan arahan yang benar? Kesuksesan berbeda bagi setiap orang, namun prinsipnya tidak berubah. Dalam Success 101, Jphn Maxwell membagi kesuksesan hingga pada komponen terpentingnya dan menunjukkan dengan tepat seperti apa rasanya meraih kesuksesan itu. RESENSI TERKINI - Success 101 : Ha…
APAKAH ANDA MEMBANTU ORANG LAIN MENCAPAI TINGKATAN SELANJUTNYA ? - Para pemimipin terbaik memiliki mentor yang baik- Saat ini, ahli kepemimipinan bertaraf internasional, John C. Maxwell, memberikan hal terpenting mengenai Mentoring dalam satu volume yang singkat dan mudah untuk di baca. Dalam mentoring 101, ia menberikan langkah-langkah agar anda bisa secara efektif memproduksi kesuksesan di da…