The current globalization should be viewed as a part of kind's global spiritual transformation of one global big family living in small planet, and not merely as the global economic movement that should be dealt with holistically. Globalization is a battle field struggle to search a new world to live peacefully and decently base on fair share of power, responsibilities and wealth under the phil…
Forty years ago this year, sixty of the larges international dredging from seventeen countries decided the time had come to inform the word about the fundamental need for dredging and its benefits. this is how the international association of dredging campanies was born. it the following years IADC grew to be recognised as the umbrella organisation for the private dredging industry.
Himpunan Peraturan Perundang - Undangan Dibidang Pelayaran
Sea Power Indonesia
This guide is intended to provide consolidated guidance on the implementation of the security related amendments to the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS Convention) which were adopted in December 2002. These amendments included a new chapter XI-2 in the SOLAS Convention, "Special measures to enhance maritime security", which enshrined the International Ship and…
As a facility with high capital investment, container terminal tends to be operated with maximum capacity by using high utilization of facilities and equipment rather than a proper throughput. However, a high utilization is leading to the ships waiting time and as consequence lowering the service level. Therefore a study is needed to determine the proper capacity by considering the interest of …
Kamus ini berisi mengenai istilah yang relevan mengenai sektor perikanan dan kelautan serta aspek budaya dan teknologi yang relevan
Cargo handling itself in the main has changed from a labour intensive operation to a capital intensive one. This new edition of Thomas Stowage, a book which has well stood up to the test of time, has been revised yet again with the paramount object of keeping its users abreast pf present stowage disciplines. Figures have been metricated and a large number of new commodities have been incorporated.
Manual komite audit : memahami peran dan resikonya
Directory content about shipowners, Towage, salvage, ship Management service, shipbuilders, marine engine builder, maritime and related organisation
Inland Container Depo (ICD) is one of the facilities owned by PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV of Makassar. The Average growth of containers through the Makassar. The average growth of containers through the Makassar Container Terminal 9%, but it is contrary to the ICD occupancy decreased from year to year due to there are some container depot outside the port as a competitor. So that the …
The contents of book consist 9 chapters Chapter 1 Harbours and harbour authorities considered generally Chapter 2 Types of harbour authority Chapter 3 Some comments on basic duties, power and liabilities of harbour authorities Chapter 4 The provision of harbour facilities by harbour authorities and others Chapter 5 The conservancy funtions of harbour authorities Chapter 6 Powers of harbou…
Water policy : official journal of the world water council leadership in knowledge and capacity development in the water sector
Belawan International Container Terminal especially serves export and import container by activities loading, discharge, receiving, delivery and behandle. These terminal in the main entrance gate container to North Sumatera, Aceh and most Riau. Recently, the terminal face the queue of trucks at peak time operation. These condition reduce terminal's level of service. This paper will evaluate a…
This document is intended to study the saving cost of RTG, using electrification comparing usage of diesel engine. This study is intended to give an idea of how much costs can be in saving from the use of electrical shore power connection. The big challenge for the management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) especially Makassar Container Terminal to be abl…
This book is a rich selection of speeches and writings of Professor Widjojo Nitisastro of the University of Indonesia, who has radically changed the command economy under Soekarno into development planning using economic analysis under Soeharto. He is one of the most respected and influential economists of the twentieth century. He is also the first Indonesian demographer. This background has c…
Undang-Undang Dasar adalah dokumen hukum dan politik resmi suatu negara, yang berisi kesepakatan pokok tentang negara, mengatur organisasi negara, hubungan antar lembaga, hubungan lembaga negara dengan warga negara, dan perlindingan terhadap hak asasi manusia. Secara teori, Undang-Undang Dasar dapat diubah, baik dari sudut pandang filosofis, sosiologis, politis, maupun yuridis. Buku Potret…
PT Merpati Nusantara Airline established since 1962 is faced financial problem for several year. Various attempts to save the company from deeper problem has been implemented from financial restructuring, fleet addition, up to several times replacement of top managements were not improve financial condition. The company remains in a serious financial Issue and getting worse through the years.Hi…
Transportasi laut Indonesia : analisis sistem & studi kasus
pelabuhan memiliki potensi besar untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi bangsa negera. sayangnya pelabuhan-pelabuhan laut di Indonesia sudah lama tidak dikelola dengan baik. Tidak mengherankan peringkat pelabuhan Indonesia kalah jauh dibanding Singapura atau Hongkong. International Port Corporation (IPC) bertekad mengubah pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Indonesia memiliki daya saing. Transporting Light to …
BUMN tidak dapat lepas dari kaidah birokrasi kekuasaan dan tarik-ulur kepentingan partai politik. Karena posisi BUMN sangat penting dalam mengurus unit-unit kegiatan bisnis yang berkaitan dengan keperluan publik secara luas, maka salah satu tugas BUMN adalah ikut menjalankan kebijakan pemerintah. Satu dari dua elemen itu, yakni ekonomi dan politik, seringkali menjadi batu sandungan pemimpin BUM…
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, better known as SOLAS, which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping. The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss …
This timely and comprehensive new Handbook brings together an unrivaled group of distinguished scholars and practitioners to provide in-depth analysis and a contemporary perspective on a wide-ranging array of topics in maritime economics. Inherently global in nature, the economics of the maritime sector has proved pivotal in facilitating globalization and international trade. This HandbOOK o…
Dalam buku ini ada 9 tulisan yang diharapkan dapat memperlihatkan upaya peragaman dan pencarian diri di bidang perpustakaan dan informasi melelui penerapan metodologi kualitatif. isi artikel - artikel tersebut secara ringkas dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut
1. Artikel pertama berjudul "Jadi, Mau Pakai Kualitatif nih? Alasan m…
Buku ini cocok dan layak dibaca untuk kalangan calon pustakawan yang ingin membangun sebuah perpustakaan digital. Karena di era modern dan teknologi serba digital maka perpustakaan bisa dialihkan kedalam perpustakaan digital.
Buku yang dikarang Putu Laxman Pendit ini berisi tentang Kesinambungan perpustakaan digital, model das…
Masih ingat beberapa tahun lalu ketika bunyi PING!!! ada dimana-mana? Di kantor, di kampus, di rumah, di sekolah, dan din tempat lainnya pengguna Blackberry berada. kata PING !!! mengandung pesan urgensi, atau bisa juga diartikan sebagai usaha kita untuk membuat orang lain menyadari dan setju dengan pesan yang kita sampaikan. ya! Karena pada dasarnya manusia selalu ingin supaya orang lain se…
Pada masa Orde Lama, agar bisa makan, rakyat Indonesia banyak yang terpaksa antre beras dan minyak tanah. Akan tetapi, waktu itu peralatan angkatan perang kita disegani di kawasan Asia. Kemudian, di era reformasi peralatan angkatan perang kita banyak yang rusak akibat embargo suku cadang, sementara rakyat tetap saja banyak yang antre minyak tanah. Apa solusi bagi persoalan ini? Jawabnya, kita h…
Krisis ekonomi yang terjadi tahun 1997 di Indonesia merupakan peringatan terhadap pemerintah untuk melakukan koreksi atas kebijakan ekonomi yang pernah dikeluarkan. Dua paket deregulasi 1983 dan 1988 yang menjadi pintu masuk liberalisasi perbankan membuat perekonomian Indonesia runtuh dan rezim Orde Baru pun tumbang. Buku berjudul Liberalisasi Perbankan Indonesia, Suatu Telaah Ekonomi Politik…
This book have several chapters become incresingly in need of updating. For example, the chapter on Limitation of Lialibility has, in this second edition, been given greater depth on the 1976 (London) Convention in view of itsnow imminent coming into effect. Also the very significant and controversial, court ruling in The Marion Case (at House of Lords level) has been written into the cahapter.…
Design-oriented firms such as Apple and IDEO have demonstrated how design thinking can directly affect business results. Yet most managers lack a real sense of how to put this new approach to use for issues other than product development and sales growth. Solving Problems with Design Thinking details ten real-world examples of managers who successfully applied design methods at 3M, Toyota, IBM,…
Maximize the quality and efficiency of your organization If you want to make your organization or team more productive, you have to change the way it thinks. Combining the leading improvement methods of Six Sigma and Lean, this winning technique drives performance to the next level. But the jargon-packed language and theory of Lean Six Sigma can be intimidating f…
Dari bangun sampai tidur, ketika berjalan, bekerja, makan, bersantai, hidup kita tak lepas dari kebiasaan. Organisasi dan perusahaan pun memiliki kebiasaan. Kebiasaan bisa mendatangkan keuntungan maupun kerugian—bagi diri kita, orang lain, maupun masyarakat. The Power of Habit mengungkapkan temuan ilmiah terbaru yang menjelaskan mengapa kebiasaan ada, apa unsur-unsurnya, dan bagaimana cara …
This edition reproduces : the text of the international Convention for the Control and Management of Ships 'Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004' 1. The text of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships's Ballast Water and Sedimens, on 2004; 2. Four Conference resolutions adopted at the International Conference on Ballast Water Management for Ships held at IMO's Headqu…
The purpose of the convention is to ensure the payment of adequate, prompt and effective compensation to victims of pollution caused by the escape or discharge of bunker oil from ships
According to Philip Parker, the relationship between physics-based physiology and macroeconomics may come to dominate explanations of economic growth. His argument focuses on the so-called equatorial paradox--the phenomenon that a country's latitude explains up to 70 percent of cross-country variances in per capita income. After introducing concepts from physics and physiology as the building b…
This publication, prepared by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Supersedes the 1988 edition of section II of the Manual on Oil Pollution.
Have you ever wondered whether your business continuity plan is any good, or whether you've even got a business continuity plan? Anyone can write a simple document, call it a business continuity plan and hope for the best. But, unless you know that it will do what it is supposed to, it may be a wasted investment. This practical guide to the ISO22301 business continuity management system standar…
This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. Enjoy this classic work today. These selected paragraphs distill the contents and give you a quick look inside: It discloses, in short, that naval strategy is not a thing by itself, that its problems can seldom or never be solved on naval considerations alone, but that…
Bunga rampai hukum maritim dan laut Indonesia
Introduction to Security has been the leading text on private security for over thirty years. Celebrated for its balanced and professional approach, this new edition gives future security professionals a broad, solid base that prepares them to serve in a variety of positions. Security is a diverse and rapidly growing field that is immune to outsourcing. The author team as well as an outstanding…
The first volume tackles a wealth of complex jurisdictional aspects, ranging from the enforcement of maritime claims to a detailed analysis of the conditions of arrest of ships, including reconsideration of wrongful arrest, beneficial ownership, forum non-convenience and limitations upon the jurisdiction of the English courts. Key features of Volume One: Expert analysis of the very latest case …
Kepemimpinan Dahlan Iskan atas BUMN sejak 2011 boleh dibilang fenomenal. Dengan sifat urakannya, Dahlan?seorang tokoh “swasta” yang bertekad melaksanakan reformasi BUMN dengan cara yang demonstratif?telah membuat sejarah, tradisi kerja BUMN, dan dunia politik berlangsung dinamis Di satu pihak, sebagai Menteri BUMN, Dahlan adalah bagian darithe authorized power structure\. Maka dia seharusn…
Anda ingin membaca banyak buku tapi hanya punya sedikit waktu? Atau, Anda ingin membaca buku tebal dalam waktu singkat tanpa kehilangan sedikit pun pesan dari buku tersebut? Jika seperti itu, berarti Anda butuh teknik membaca yang efektif. Buku ini memandu Anda bagaimana membaca secara cepat dan memahami teks secara efektif. Langkah-langkah membaca aktif yang ditawarkannya dapat membawa Anda m…
For 5000 years shipping has served the world economy and today it provides a sophisticated transport service to every part of the globe. Yet despite its economic complexity, shipping retains much of the competitive cut and thrust of the “perfect” market of classical economics. This blend of sophisticated logistics and larger than life entrepreneurs makes it a…
Somehow we’ve come to believe that creativity is reserved for the chosen few: the poets, the painters, the writers. The truth is creativity is in all of us and re-discovering it is the key to unlocking your fullest potential. is a book that pushes us beyond our traditional thought patterns. Unthink is a book that will inspire everyone to realize that we are capable of so much more than w…