Tidak ada kata "gagal" di dalam proses pendakian. Kegagalan hanya ada jika sebelum memulai mendaki seseorang mengatakan kepada dirinya sendiri "aku akan gagal". Meskipun menjadi pimpinan di jenjang apa pun adalah suatu keberhasilan, namun keberhasilan akan makin tinggi jika yang dicapai adalah jenjang kepemimpinan yang lebih tinggi. Buku ini memuat 10 kiat strategis untuk menjawab tantangan pen…
Reform in the Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) or "Pelindo IV" at the beginning of 2014 requires changes in all fields, including the Human Resources Management. In accordance with the vision "To be a valuable and attractive company through process and service excellence with happy people" and one of the point in the mission Directorate of Human Resou…
This paper aims to investigate gender similarities and differences among managers and professionals working in a variety of organizations and industries in Egypt. It seeks to replicate and extend previous work by employing a different sample working in a large Muslim country.
The aim of this research was to ascertain the current roles and responsibilities of logistics managers in two countries, how they compare their situation with other managers and to identify the types of knowledge and experience that would assist them to develop their careers.
The purpose of this paper is to elaborate how an adult development perspective can further the understanding of developmental networks as holding environments for developing leaders confronted with challenging experiences.
Drawing upon survey and interview data, this research paper aims to explore the usage and impact of management development processes and practices in Ireland from an organisational perspective.
Describes how the UK logistics division of Norbert Dentressangle has teamed up with the University of Northampton Business School to offer the two‐year degree to the company's talented first‐line and middle managers.
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether gendered differences in occupational aspirations still appear when considering students with similar abilities who study competitively in the same achievement-oriented educational setting.
Tuntutan dan masalah kerja bisa menyebabkan Anda bekerja seperti robot, tanpa rasa dan jiwa. Bekerja hanya sekadar rutinitas untuk mengejar target tahunan tanpa kemajuan, dengan pelarian?pelarian stres yang justru semakin melelahkan. Siklus ini bisa mengaburkan alasan pertama Anda bekerja, melalaikan tujuan mencari nafkah untuk keluarga, serta membuat Anda kehilangan arah kehidupan dunia yang h…
Tidak ada kata "gagal" di dalam proses pendakian. Kegagalan hanya ada jika sebelum memulai mendaki seseorang mengatakan kepada dirinya sendiri "aku akan gagal". Meskipun menjadi pimpinan di jenjang apa pun adalah suatu keberhasilan, namun keberhasilan akan makin tinggi jika yang dicapai adalah jenjang kepemimpinan yang lebih tinggi. Buku ini memuat 10 kiat strategis untuk menjawab tantangan pen…