Ilmu yang khusus mendalami cara membaca atau mengetahui kepribadian seseorang kini kian digemari oleh banyak orang, bahkan oleh institusi atau perusahaan. Sebab, diakui atau tidak, karakter manusia akan menentukan sikap dan kelancaran hubungan mereka dengan yang lainnya, yang tentu saja di dalam ranah industri atau profesional ini akan sangat mempengaruhi hasil yang diinginkan. Oleh sebab itu, …
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the type of logistics services required by firms is related to the freight characteristics, and to the cost and other dimensions of the services in Mexico.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the type of logistics services required by firms is related to the freight characteristics, and to the cost and other dimensions of the services in Mexico
The purpose of this paper is to use a theory-based approach to develop a new classification model for disasters that reflects their logistics implications, and to contextualise the findings by applying the model to a particular disaster situation.
This study examines port and container terminal characteristics, and assesses how they affect performance. Little research has addressed the relationship between location, physical infrastructure (hard) and service (soft) characteristics, and container terminal performance. The present study fills this research gap. Performance is explained using a holistic perspective involving multivariate fa…