This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the motives, structure and performance attributes of horizontal cooperations between logistics service providers (LSPs). Based on an analytical classification model, distinctive types of logistics cooperation that characterize the logistics landscape are identified.
With the course of the integration of global economy accelerating, and the speedy growth of world trade, important nodes of global logistics and ports acquire more and more important status in the global economy. Ports with the development of Chinese economy and especially with the rapid growth of the foreign trade have made a great progress. This research mainly focuses on the study of the com…
Nowadays the majority of goods passing through seaports are transported by road, resulting in a large number of empty movements and high total costs. This paper proposes an optimization model for the cooperative planning of multiple truck carrier operations in a seaport environment for maximizing the total profit derived from their cooperation. A compensation mechanism is introduced to motivate…
The purpose of this article is to introduce a framework for internet supported inter-organizational product development, which enables companies to efficiently configure their development processes according to their needs.
When deploying a frigate to the Gulf of Aden as a part of the Operation Atalanta, the Norwegian Defence outsourced logistics to a TPL provider. The purpose of this paper is to explore the cooperation between the Defence and the TPL provider during the operation.