Buku ini cocok dan layak dibaca untuk kalangan calon pustakawan yang ingin membangun sebuah perpustakaan digital. Karena di era modern dan teknologi serba digital maka perpustakaan bisa dialihkan kedalam perpustakaan digital.
Buku yang dikarang Putu Laxman Pendit ini berisi tentang Kesinambungan perpustakaan digital, model das…
Masih ingat beberapa tahun lalu ketika bunyi PING!!! ada dimana-mana? Di kantor, di kampus, di rumah, di sekolah, dan din tempat lainnya pengguna Blackberry berada. kata PING !!! mengandung pesan urgensi, atau bisa juga diartikan sebagai usaha kita untuk membuat orang lain menyadari dan setju dengan pesan yang kita sampaikan. ya! Karena pada dasarnya manusia selalu ingin supaya orang lain se…
Don't create boring e-learning! Cammy Bean presents a fresh, modern take on instructional design for e-learning. Filled with her personal insights and tips, The Accidental Instructional Designer covers nearly every aspect of the e-learning design process, including understanding instructional design, creating scenarios, building interactivity, designing visuals, and working with SMEs. You ll …
The purpose of the article is to present the organizational, logistic, and technological problems in reengineering established real estate library business processes to inform other practitioners.
Digital asset management as a technology for handling electronic material is used in different contexts for various technical purposes. Explores the effects of this technology on the marketing supply chain, being a new application area of digital asset management solutions. A conceptual framework is provided to describe marketing processes in the world of information technology and marketing co…
The purpose of this paper is to critically review the model of Hendriks and examine its suitability for the relationship of organizational knowledge management and information and communication technology (ICT). This study proposes that the impact of different organizational structures on knowledge management systems should be collectively considered. Tacit knowledge is definitely as critical a…