Banyak bagian atau departemen SDM yang dinilai tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik.Itu disebabkan karena profesional SDM kurang memahami perannya. Buku ini menyajikan pengetahuan praktis yang lengkap bagi profesional SDM. Pedoman Lengkap Profesional SDM Indonesia ini adalah bacaan terlengkap dan terpenting bagi para profesional bidang SDM sebagai pedoman dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya di bidan…
Using cross-country estimates of physical and human capital stocks, we run the growth accounting regressions implied by a CobbPDouglas aggregate production function. Our results indicate that human capital enters insignificantly in explaining per capita growth rates. We next specify an alternative model in which the growth rate of total factor productivity depends on a nation’s human capital …
Fungsi human capital dapat terwujud dengan mengembangkan peran strategisnya. Inilah yang disebut peran strategic partner atau mitra strategis organisasi. Buku Revolusi Human Capital ini menggambarkan transformasi pengelolaan human capital di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan yang dilakukan secara fundamental dalam waktu singkat. Sebagaimana revolusi, perubahan yang dilakukan tidak sebatas menambahkan pro…
Perspectives on Human Capital and Assets goes beyond the current literature by providing a platform for a broad scope of discussion regarding HC&A, and, more importantly, by encouraging a multidisciplinary fusion between diverse disciplines.
PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk is a leading cement company in the regional and even global level because it supported the existence of a reliable and competent employees. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the mechanisms of selection based on human capital theory approach at the company. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection through …
Pendidikan tinggi memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis dalam menentukan mutu human capital. Sehingga pendidikan tinggi harus selalu berupaya untuk memberikan jaminan mutu layanan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Semakin berkualitas pelayanan yang diberikan maka pelanggan perguruan tinggi akan semakin merasa puas dan berdampak pada peningkatan investasi sumber daya manusia (Human Capital).
Perubahan yang terjadi dalam lingkungan bisnis menyebabkan berbagai perusahaan terus berusaha memperbaiki strategi bisnisnya, bertujuan agar bisa bertahan dan mempunyai keunggulan bersaing. Puncak perubahan tersebut dengan dimulainya era bisnis pada era informasi dan era pengetahuan. Pada era ini strategi bisnis yang dipandang cocok diantaranya penerapan sistem pengembangan SDM berbasiskan huma…
This study aims to examine whether the determinant factors of innovations broadly accepted for traditional firms – the personal traits of the entrepreneurs, the features of the firms and the environment – also influence innovation in social economy companies.
The present paper provides a review of the literature focusing the relationship between human capital and performance essentially at firm level. The exercise of reviewing existing literature permitted to uncover three major neglected issues: 1) defining and measurement intellectual and human capital, 2) the analysis of human capital - firm performance relationship; and 3) human resources manage…
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the specific valuable partnership between human capital-intensive firms (HCIFs) and fourth-party logistics (4PLs), and in particular, to explore the way boundaries of HCIFs are changing as a consequence of the growing importance of 4PLs.
Managing container shipping logistics requires people with good competencies, especially in the time of new challenges. The purpose of this paper is to validate a new framework of competencies for container shipping logistics professionals.
The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it intends to analyze the influence of human capital and social capital on the second of the stages in the process of entrepreneurial creation established by Shane and Venkataraman, the discovery of opportunities for creating a business. Second, it aims to analyze the existence of gender differences both in the discovery of opportunities and in the stock…
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a model for knowledge asset management as a foundation for correlating human capital management to organizational performance.
A Revolutionary Approach to Talent Management
You know that winning in today’s marketplace requires top quality talent. You also know what it takes to build that talent—and you spend significant financial and human resources to make it happen. Yet somehow, your company’s beautifully designed and well-benchmarked processes don’t …