Buku ini merupakan buku mengenai perjalanan transformasi IPC mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi bangsa. Buku ini membahas tentang BAB 1, Laut, Sumber daya saing BAB 2, Bisnis pelabuhan di Indonesia BAB 3 , Cetak biru Transformasi IPC BAB 4 , Tantangan masa depan BAB 5, Membangun SDM yang tangguh BAB 6, Mengembangkan pemimpin masa depan BAB 7, Peningkatan Produktifitas dan pelayanan BAB 8, Pe…
Indonesia's real GDP grew by 5.1% in 2017, which was in line with our estimate and we expect growth to pick up modestly to 5.3% in 2018 and 5.4% in 2019. An increase in election spending and an acceleration in private investment on the back of an improving business environment should be supportive of growth, but this will be partially offset by higher oil prices and rising political instability
The purpose of this research analyse effects of loading/lossing activities volume and ship visit pattern on the port operational performance of Kendari. This research design is eksplanatif associative by using secondary data. Analytical method applied is multiple regression. The Result of this research indicate that variable loading/lossing activities volume and ship visit pattern, partially an…
State-owned Indonesia Port Company (IPC) has drawn up an ambitious port development plan as part of the g overnment's Sea Toll programme, which is aimed at s ig nificantly reducing the country's log is tics cos ts . Under the plan, the company intends to develop 35 new ports in a period of four years to encourag e economic development outs ide Java Is land - mainly in the outlying is lands of t…