High Performance Companies complements the frameworks for strategy making detailed in many existing books, proposing a number of rules of thumb (or principles) that companies can consider when making their day-to-day decisions which, in turn, will determine their actual strategies. These principles traverse a wide range of scenarios, such as strategic changes implemented by companies, resource…
Pada abad ke-21 yang sering dikenal sebagai era informasi, para pakar dan praktisi manajemen dituntut untuk menumpahkan pemikirannya pada upaya keterpaduan dan keterkaitan. Perihal ini dicirikan dengan berbagai terminologi yang populer seperti koordinasi, integrasi, sinkronisasi, sinergi, kohesi, komplementer dan berjaringan (networking). Kecenderungan ini menggambarkan perlunya daya rangkai da…
When Execution was first published in 2002, it changed the way we did our jobs. By analysing the discipline of getting things done, it helped thousands of business people to make the final leap to success. Now, Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan reframe their empowering message for a world in which the old rules have been shattered and radical change is becoming routine. For the foreseeable future: -…
Training is an important factor in improving employee performance while also enhancing a company's goals. Regardless of the size of an organisation, training is vital to ensure that its future is secured, especially in the current dynamic business environment.The objective of this research was to determine whether there is an influence of training needs assessment, training content and delivery…
In America, organizations spend $175 billion in training initiatives and more than $500 billion in human resource solutions every year yet often have little to show for it. One reason is that people “jump to solutions” before they identify the causes of the problem. Performance consultants are effective because they partner with clients to clarify business goals and determine root causes fo…
Selama lima tahun melakukan penelitian, Jim Collins dan timnya, setelah menyisir tumpukan data dan ribuan halaman wawancara, menemukan faktor-faktor kunci penentu kehebatan—mengapa sejumlah perusahaan berhasil membuat lompatan, sementara yang lainnya gagal. TEMUAN DARI PENELITIAN GOOD TO GREAT Temuan-temuan dari studi Good to Great akan mengejutkan banyak pembaca dan memberikan pencerahan bag…
This study aims to provide solutions to increase the achievement value of job content and job clarity on IPC and ultimately provide recommendations to improve the achievement of engagement value of IPC in the following year. The result of Engagement index in 2013 is 4.11 (1-5 scale). The value of Engagement IPC index is 4.11, which is below the expected target of the company of 4.25 (1-5 scale)…