Manusia bisa dianalogikan seperti sebuah 'gadget supercanggih' yang memiliki banyak fungsi, mulai dari telpon, SMS, MMS, video, internet, chating, sosial media, games, map, dan masih banyak fungsi lainnya. Namun, ketika gadget berada di tangan orang gaptek', bisa jadi gadget cuma digunakan untuk menelepon atau berkirim SMS. Agar berfungsi maksimal, pengguna gadget perlu mencari tahu fungsi atau…
"Kinerja yang luar biasa lahir dari kegembiraan yang luar biasa dalam menjalankannya. Passion will drive awesome performance!" Begitulah hipotesis René Suhardono dan tim Impact Factory. Untuk membuktikannya, mereka mensurvei 11 industri berbeda di Indonesia untuk mengetahui, mendalami, dan memaknai faktor-faktor yang membedakan antara seorang high performer dengan non-performer. Hasilnya te…
This study aims to provide solutions to increase the achievement value of job content and job clarity on IPC and ultimately provide recommendations to improve the achievement of engagement value of IPC in the following year. The result of Engagement index in 2013 is 4.11 (1-5 scale). The value of Engagement IPC index is 4.11, which is below the expected target of the company of 4.25 (1-5 scale)…
There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.? ?Warren Buffett, CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Picking low-hanging fruit should be easy. Yet despite all the cost cutting and lean six-sigmaing, the branches of corporate trees are sagging from the weight of low-hanging fruit. Why not grab them and make things easy? Too often managers blind themselves to s…
Are you responsible for creating a leadership training program for your organization, but don’t know where to start? Do you already have experience in developing leadership training programs, but want to improve the efficacy of your current offering? Either way, Leaders Start to Finish offers detailed, specific insight and instructions on how to develop highly effect…