This guide is intended to provide consolidated guidance on the implementation of the security related amendments to the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS Convention) which were adopted in December 2002. These amendments included a new chapter XI-2 in the SOLAS Convention, "Special measures to enhance maritime security", which enshrined the International Ship and…
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, better known as SOLAS, which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping. The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss …
This publication presents amandments to the SOLAS Convention and the 1988 Protocol concerning, in part: 1. Goal-based ship contruction standars for bulk carriers and oil tankers 2. Corrosion protection of cargo oil tanks of crude oil carriers 3. Gas measurement and detection in double-hull and double-bottom spaces 4. The 2010 FTP Code 5. Life-saving appliances and arrangements 6. The auto…