Automobile production is a worldwide industry in which quality has always been a very prominent and pertinent issue. There exists, however, certain links in the logistical chain that involve local initiatives in the finishing of the final product – including final testing, repairs to breakdowns and damage that occurred during transport operations. There also exists a group of steps or links i…
The material included is concise and to the point. The briefings have been designed in order that a range of issues and ideas can be quickly taken on board by the reader. The aim is not to explore each issue in depth, such learned papers will be published in this journal throughout the year. It is to look at the plethora of challenges facing logistics practitioners and researchers in the intere…
As we approach the dawn of a new century, the temptation to try to predict the future increases. The forecasts of “futurologists” have often been spectacularly unsuccessful in the past. One-hundred years ago, Europe’s ruling classes were generally confident about what lay ahead. They largely failed to predict the two world wars, the depression, the spread of communism and the onset of the…