Despite an increasing number of studies on the efficiency of container terminals, their focus has mostly been on advanced and emerging markets. There are limited studies on container terminals in developing countries such as those of the Middle Eastern region, which are located in a critical geographic position in the international maritime route between the East and the West. Information on th…
The paper examines an important player in the container industry: the container terminal. We evaluate how terminal efficiency operation is affected by the following factors: terminal type, operation type, scale efficiency and returns to scale. In so doing, we test how the typology and operation of terminals and the level of scale efficiency that a terminal can achieve, represent significant fac…
In thepastdecades,nearlyalltheChinesecoastalprovincesandmunicipalitiesinvestedheavilyinthe construction ofseaportsandimplementedvariousfavourablepoliciestoimprovetheports'operations. How effectivelyhavetheseeffortsworked?ThispaperusesMalmquistproductivityindextodetermine and analyseproductivitychangeanditsdecompositioninChinesecoastalcontainerterminalsduring 2006–2011.We find thattheaveragegr…
The center of global container traffic has been shifted from the Europe and the U.S.A. to the region of Northeast Asia, which mainly includes China, Japan and Korea. How to survive in the fiercest competitive environment and to optimize the logistics network in the region of Northeast Asia is becoming a hot topic in both business and academic area. This paper proposes a scheme to estimate the t…
The center of global container traffic has been shifted from the Europe and the U.S.A. to the region of Northeast Asia, which mainly includes China Japan and Korea. How to survive in the fiercest competitive environment and to optimize the logistics network in the region of Northeast Asia is becoming a hot topic in both business and academic area. This paper proposes a scheme to estimate the te…