Winter navigation is a complex but common operation in the Northern Baltic Sea areas. In Finnish waters, the safety of the wintertime maritime transportation system is managed through the Finnish–Swedish winter navigation system. This system results in different operational modes of ship navigation, with vessels either navigating independently or under icebreaker assistance. A recent risk ana…
Three years after the shipwreck of the Erika, the Prestige disaster cannot help launching a public indignation: the majority of people wonder whether co-ordinated actions exist to prevent such a serious accident. The last two disasters (Erika in 1999 and Prestige in December 2002), reminded the European Union that European Maritime Safety was neglected. For three years it can be observed that a…
Globalization has led to a rapid increase of container movements in seaports. Risks in seaports need tobe appropriately addressed to ensure economic wealth, operational efficiency, and personnel safety. Asa result, the safety performance of a Container Terminal Operational System (CTOS) plays a growing rolein improving the efficiency of international trade. This paper proposes a novel method to…