This paper presents a meta-analysis of variations in seaports’ Mean Technical Efficiency (MTE) scores based on 40 studies published in refereed academic journals. We link the variation in estimated MTE scores to differences in the following factors: the frontier methodology used, which essentially are the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA); regions wher…
Panama has five main ports: Balboa and PSA Panama International on the Pacific, and Cristo´ bal, Manzanillo and Colon Container Terminal (CCT) on the Caribbean side. The government of Panama originally operated the ports of Balboa and Cristo´ bal. After being transferred from the United States government, most of these ports were privatized in the late 1990s. During this period, some por…
Recent literature has emphasized the importance of transport costs and infrastructure in explaining trade, access to markets, and increases in per capita income. For most Latin American countries, transport costs are a greater barrier to U.S. markets than import tariffs. We investigate the determinants of shipping costs to the United States with a large database of more than 300,000 observation…
Few studies have investigated the quantitative relationship between port ownership structure and port efficiency with mixed results. This study applies a stochastic frontier model proposed by Battese and Coelli [Battese, G.E., Coelli, T.J., 1995. A model for technique inefficiency effects in a stochastic frontier production function for panel data. Empirical Economics 20, 325–332], which inco…
From the perspective of Short Sea Shipping (SSS), as an intermodal competitor in the freight market, the time spent within the whole transport corridor is a major issue, in contrast to deep sea shipping where differences in time may not be as relevant as, for example, the contract of carriage or a ship’s position, among other aspects. Although there exist numerous studies that have estimated …
Port efficiency is an important indicator of port performance; more efficient ports lower transportation costs and facilitate imports and exports of a country. Despite the importance of the subject, the exisiting port efficiency studies have almost exclusively focused on container ports. This Working Paper aims to fill that gap by calculating efficiency scores of world ports per cargo type (con…