Kepemimpinan BUMN dalam sebuah arus perubahan : corporate culture & values good corporate governance lengkap dengan data, kinerja dan performa perusahaan 3
Pada 2013, pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional masih 5,78 persen. Hingga akhir tahun 2014, target pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,1-5,5 persen dan tampaknya akan lebih realistis apabila mendekati batas bawah, dengan rentang sekitar 5,1-5,2 persen.
High Performance Companies complements the frameworks for strategy making detailed in many existing books, proposing a number of rules of thumb (or principles) that companies can consider when making their day-to-day decisions which, in turn, will determine their actual strategies. These principles traverse a wide range of scenarios, such as strategic changes implemented by companies, resource…
Can you prepare a breakeven analysis? Do you know the difference between an income statement and a balance sheet? Or understand why a business that’s profitable can still go belly-up? Has your grasp of your company’s numbers helped—or hurt—your career?Whether you’re new to finance or you just need a refresher, this go-to guide will give you the tools and confidence you need to master …
Pada abad ke-21 yang sering dikenal sebagai era informasi, para pakar dan praktisi manajemen dituntut untuk menumpahkan pemikirannya pada upaya keterpaduan dan keterkaitan. Perihal ini dicirikan dengan berbagai terminologi yang populer seperti koordinasi, integrasi, sinkronisasi, sinergi, kohesi, komplementer dan berjaringan (networking). Kecenderungan ini menggambarkan perlunya daya rangkai da…
George Kohlrieser—an international leadership professor, consultant, and veteran hostage negotiator—explains that it is only by openly facing conflict that we can truly progress through the most difficult business challenges. In this provocative book, he reveals how the proven techniques and psychological insights used in hostage negotiation can be applied successfully to any personal or bu…
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code lays out the regulatory framework for all aspects of handling dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea transport, but does not include all details of procedures for packing of dangerous goods or actions to take in the event of an emergency or accident involving personnel associated with the IMDG Code that cover these aspects of the transport o…
In today's world of rapid change, companies must unleash energy at all levels to identify new opportunities. But unleashing energy creates centrifugal forces that can pull the organization apart. Setting energy in motion isn't enough-it has to be focused. No single theory can capture how successful companies simultaneously generate and focus energy. Far better is to draw upon multiple perspecti…
The McKinsey Quarterly is the business journal of McKinsey & Company. Our goal is to offer new ways of thinking about management in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. We aim to help business people run their organizations more productively, more competitively, and more creatively. Quarterlyarticles, written by McKinsey consultants, offer practical ideas based on the firm's experienc…
In these tough economic times, everyone is expected to produce more with less. And yet, studies have shown that on average, employees are working at only a fraction of their potential. What are managers to do? How can they inspire their people to perform at their absolute best? Whatever the situation, a good manager can quickly organize a group of average performers into a high-functioning team…
“How can I create an innovation engine that will consistently deliver substantial organic growth?” This question is the number-one issue for most CEOs and senior executives today. Innovation is a critical driver of organic growth, yet based on the authors' research, only a small percent of companies effectively use innovation to sustain long-term, profitable growth. And the stakes couldn't…
t’s a familiar scene in organizations today: a new competitive threat or a big opportunity emerges. You quickly create a strategic initiative in response and appoint your best people to make change happen. And it does—but not fast enough. Or effectively enough. Real value gets lost and, ultimately, things drift back to the default status.Why is this scenario so frequently repeated in indust…
Most leaders are desperately seeking ways to get greater results from their organizations. While they are quick to acknowledge the value and power of informal networks for getting work done, far too often leaders apply flawed approaches to generating business results from networks. What they need is a proven method for assessing and managing networks for strategic purposes. Driving Results Thr…
Dalam buku ini, Alim Markus tidak hanya menunjukkan wawasannya yang luas tentang pemahaman lintas budaya yang sangat diperlukan dalam percaturan bisnis global. Dalam apa yang disebutnya sebagai "100 Jurus Bisnis" ini, beliau memaparkan banyak pokok pikiran tentang berbagai hal penting dalam bisnis seperti pentingnya cita-cita besar, kerja keras dan ketekunan sebagai kunci suksesnya.
Most management literature addresses the symptoms of corporate collapse. But René R. Seyger takes another approach in Trojan Horses of Decline, drilling down the strategic heart of downfall. The roots of decline are not found in external forces like economic downturns. Decline's roots lie deep within companies, and therefore well within a company's sphere of control. By harnessing the metaphor…
The 10-day MBA : step by step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools is an invaluable resource on business education. The bestselling book covers all the facts and gets the readers up-to-speed with the latest information in the world of business and individual finance. The book comprises of material taught in top business schools like Harvard, Stanford, University of Chica…
Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe, in multiple markets, against brutal competition. His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork, and profits. Since Welch retired in 2001 as chairman and chief executive of…
There’s a bewildering array of management tools out there. And they all promise to help you excel at the toughest parts of your job: defining your organization’s strategic direction, managing customers and costs, and boosting workforce performance.But just 30 percent of these tools deliver as intended. Why? As Jeremy Hope and Steve Player reveal in Beyond Performance Management, while many…
Tema sentral buku ini adalah membangun layanan prima dalam sebuah organisasi. Layanan (service) bukan saja bermanfaat sebagai pelengkap produk yang ditawarkan, namun juga merupakan kunci diferensiasi setiap perusahaan. Meminjam konsep The Flower of Services rumusan almarhum Christopher Lovelock, layanan bisa dianalogikan sebagai delapan daun bunga yang melekat pada setiap penawaran produk: info…
We are deep in a service crisis. In the operating room, surgeons and their teams communicate in a very precise language; airplane pilots follow a strict protocol to take off and land safely every time; and, when launching a new product, companies lay out a plan that all employees follow. But when it comes to building a strong service culture, the path to success is usually much less clear. We r…
Membesarkan perusahaan bukan perkara mudah. Mempertahankan perusahaan yang besar juga tak kalah sulitnya. Organisasi yang besar cenderung seperti gajah tambun yang bergerak lamban. Padahal, dalam dunia bisnis yang semakin lincah dan dinamis, kelambanan bisa menjadi awal dari kepunahan. Sejarah telah mencatat begitu banyak organisasi besar kelas dunia yang telah b…
Considered by many to be the best textbook on Strategy, Contemporary Strategy Analysis 7 th editionbuilds on the strengths of previous editions by introducing students to the core concepts and principles of strategy. Rob Grant eloquently combines theory with current real world examples and practice using a clearly written, logical and comprehensive approach. An improved focus on strategy imp…
"This definitive work on HR competencies provides ideas and tools that help HR professionals develop their career and make their organization effective. -Edward E. Lawler III, Professor, University of Southern California "This book is a crucial blueprint of what it takes to succeed. A must have for every HR professional." -Lynda Gratton, Professor, London Business School "One single concept…
When Execution was first published in 2002, it changed the way we did our jobs. By analysing the discipline of getting things done, it helped thousands of business people to make the final leap to success. Now, Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan reframe their empowering message for a world in which the old rules have been shattered and radical change is becoming routine. For the foreseeable future: -…
In the current environment of cut-throat competition, razor-thin profit margins, and increasing scrutiny from stakeholders, mastering the fundamentals of financial management is a must for everyone with a stake in their companies and in their own professional futures. Packed with step-by-step examples and illustrative case studies, and updated to reflect the latest trends in the economy and in …
Kita menyadari kompetensi semata tidak memadai untuk menghasilkan kinerja, namun terdapat bukti bahwa kompetensi dapat membentuk fondasi terciptanya kinerja unggul dan efektif. Itulah sebabnya organisasi swasta maupun pemerintah, selalu menekankan pentingnya kompetensi dalam organisasi mereka. Buku ini merupakan refleksi pengalaman kami dalam bidang manajemen kompetensi dan implementasinya. Bu…
The systematic management of executive talent is a key strategic challenge for most large corporations. This is an emerging field and, consequently, there is a lack of consensus about what is involved and a variety of approaches have been adopted. In Developing Executive Talent Jonathan Smilansky, Ph.D. summarises the key activities and concerns of large businesses in the USA and Europe that ar…
Facilitation can provide a key route to creating buy-in to the need for change and associated change initiatives. But, this only happens when facilitation is used in the right way. The authors outline the guiding principles of facilitation that every change leader needs to understand to successfully drive change.
This book will make the principles of…
Financial management
Only 30 percent of strategic initiatives are successfully executed. Of those that are, most CEOs view the process as too slow. What’s going on? And how can you accelerate execution in your company?In Strategic Speed, the authors provide the answers. Start by understanding the barriers to execution: Employees don’t grasp where an initiative is going. They don’t adopt new behaviors. They’…
Based on an acclaimed professor's legendary strategy course at Harvard Business School, The Strategist offers a radically new perspective on a leader's most vital role. "Are you a strategist?" That's the first question Cynthia Montgomery asks the business owners and senior executives from all over the world who participate in her highly regarded executive education course. It's not a questio…
Thinking strategically is what separates managers and leaders. Learn the fundamentals about how to create winning strategy and lead your team to deliver it. From understanding what strategy can do for you, through to creating a strategy and engaging others with strategy, this book offers practical guidance and expert tips. It is peppered with punchy, memorable examples from real leaders winning…
Buku petunjuk angkutan laut dan kepelabuhanan indonesia yaitu buku yang diterbitkan oleh departemen perhubungan laut yang berisi informasi yang selengkap mungkin tentang sektor kelautan meliputi informasi mengenai peraturan-peraturan Sub Sektor Transportasi laut. Melalui buku ini masyarakat diharapkan dapat memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang penyelenggaraan dan pengusahaan angkutan laut, s…
Semua eksekutif menyadari pentingnya memiliki SDM bertalenta untuk mempertahankan dan mengembangkan perusahaannya. Permasalahannya adalah, bagaimana organisasi bisa mendapatkan talenta dalam dengan kualifikasi tepat, dalam jumlah yang tepat serta pada waktu yang tepat Perusahaan yang memiliki banyak mereka yang bertalenta, dan pertumbuhannya menurun, akan menimbulkan masalah. Perusahaan harus …
The book has been arbitrarily split up into three parts. the first part- this is abaut prevention and clean-up, consisting of introduction, operational discharges, accidental discharges, enforcement of operational standart, interviention by a coastal stste, international co-operation, financing a national anti-pollution programme, introduction. The two parts abaut civil liability. and the thr…
The Crane Handbook and the Rigging Manual, this manual is intended to be of general interest and use to contractors, supervisors and other personnel involved in crane operations. More specifically, the manual has been published to provide information crucial in educating and training crane operators and apprentices. Mobile cranes are becoming larger, more expensive and more sophisticated all t…
Apakah (masih) relevan berbicara tentang talent war pada masa krisis seperti sekarang ini? Boro-boro mikirin bagaimana menambah talent terbaik, barangkali demikian kata Anda dalam hati, sedangkan masih bisa bertahan dengan talent yang ada saja sudah bersyukur. Tapi, benarkah pemikiran seperti itu? Berbagai “teori” tentang the best talent menyebutkan bahwa orang-orang terbaik akan tetap bern…
This book completes the trilogy by Robert H. Brown, on the principles and practice of marine insurance, which was commenced in 1968. Volume 3 encompasses the whole range of hull insurance as practised in the London insurance market. This book deals with Hull Practice in the London market, with occasional references to overseas business. The Principles of Marine Insurance were covered by Vulume…
Buku ini membahas tentang statistik bongkar muat barang, kunjungan kapal dan penumpang yang dilakukan di indonesia. Statistik ini dilakukan pada tahun 1995. statistik ini merupakan hasil pengolahan data dari laporan pelabuhan yang diterima dari kepala pelabuhan dan administrator pelabuhan di seluruh indonesia. Adapun sistematika buku ini adalah 1. Pendahuluan 2. Konsep dan definisi 3. Ulasan…
Buku ini membahas tentang statistik bongkar muat barang yang dilakukan di indonesia. ststistik ini dilakukan pada tahun 1981. statistik ini merupakan hasil pengolahan data dari laporan pelabuhan yang diterima dari kepala pelabuhan dan administrator pelabuhan di seluruh indonesia. Adapun didalamnya membahas. 1.Bongkar muat barang angkutan antar pulau dan luar negeri menurut profinsi dan pelabuh…
Buku ini membahas tentang statistik bongkar muat barang yang dilakukan di indonesia. ststistik ini dilakukan pada tahun 1992. statistik ini merupakan hasil pengolahan data dari laporan pelabuhan yang diterima dari kepala pelabuhan dan administrator pelabuhan di seluruh indonesia. Adapun didalamnya membahas 1. Bongkar muat barang angkutan antar pulau dan luar negeri menurut profinsi dan pelabuh…
In a world of stiffening competition, business strategy is more crucial than ever. Yet most organizations struggle in this area--not with formulating strategy but with executing it, or putting their strategy into action. Owing to execution failures, companies realize just a fraction of the financial performance promised in their strategic plans.
It doe…
Content this book about opening ceremony, kynote speechs, first working session: rool-on/rool-off, second working session: railway and land transport function in an integrated transport system, third working session:bulk carggo, fourth working session: air cargo, fifth working session: barge aboard ship, six working session: perishable cargoes,additional paper and closing ceremony.