Suatu ketika, terjadi kebakaran di sebuah rumah. Di dalam rumah naas tersebut tertidur seorang pemuda dengan sangat nyenyak. Seorang lelaki masuk dan mencoba membawa pemuda itu keluar melalui jendela. Tidak bisa. Dia mencoba lagi melalui pintu. Tidak bisa juga. Pemudda itu terlalu besar dan berat. Lelaki tersebut hampir saja putus asa ketika ada seseorang yang memberikan saran, �Bangunkan pem…
Seaport gateways and the corridors which connect them to widely dispersed hinterlands are of vital and essential importance to international trade and the world economy. Distributing goods to ultimate land destinations or bringing the goods to seaports from inland origins is organizationally complex involving multiple actors. This book furthers understanding about how this movement is organized…
Shipping has many hundreds of terms and phrases whose meaning is not always obvious, even for experienced practitioners. This comprehensive dictionary contains concise definitions of maritime terms and phrases, including those used in liner, tramp and bulk shipping.
This sixth edition contains new terms and phrases which cover: The latest technological and other improvements in cargo hand…From the bestselling authors who taught the world how to have Crucial Conversations comes the new edition of Influencer, a thought-provoking book that combines the remarkable insights of behavioral scientists and business leaders with the astonishing stories of high-powered influencers from all walks of life. You'll be taught each and every step of the influence process--including robust str…
Selama 5000 tahun pengiriman telah melayani perekonomian dunia dan hari ini menyediakan layanan transportasi canggih untuk setiap bagian dari dunia. Namun meskipun kompleksitas ekonomi, pengiriman mempertahankan banyak dari pemotongan yang kompetitif dan tekanan dari "sempurna" pasar ekonomi klasik. Campuran logistik canggih dan lebih besar dari pengusaha kehidupan membuatnya menjadi studi k…
Indonesian shipping firm PT Djakarta Lloyd plans to boos t its coal s hipping busines s by signing contracts with PT Adaro Indonesia and PT Berau Coal in 20 15, reports the Jakarta Pos
Current globalization and borderless operations in manufacturing are creating a greater demand for international transportation and supply chain logistics. Maritime (shipping and ports) is one of the key components in this business pattern. It is now estimated that approximately 90% of global trading freight moves by ship. As this trade increases it is becoming more important to have a clear un…
DENGAN BELAJAR, SIAPA PUN BISA MEMIMPIN Di dalam kehidupan, menjadi pemimpin adalah sebuah keharusan. Setidaknya setiap manusia harus memimpin diri sendiri agar mampu menjadi pribadi yang baik. Lebih jauhnya, sebagai manusia yang tumbuh dan berkembang kelak akan memimpin keluarga, organisasi, bahkan memimpin masyarakat. Seorang pemimpin tentu harus memiliki talenta tersendiri. Memiliki fis…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of knowledge-specific, organizational and inter-organizational antecedents of transfer in business acquisitions. A study gives special attention to the intrinsic nature of knowledge, absorptive capacity of the acquirer and acquiree, and inter-firm relationships as key antecedents of transfer.
The purpose of this paper is to advance thought and practice on supply chain relationship building, in the context of humanitarian logistics, drawing on lessons from leading practitioners.