This paper aims to describe the storage constrained, inbound inventory routeing problem and presents bounds and heuristics for solutions to this problem. It also seeks to analyze various characteristics of this problem by comparing the solutions generated by the two proposed heuristics with each other and with the lower bound solutions.
APL is currently ranked the 12th larg es t containers hip operator g lobally by French cons ultancy Alphaliner. The container s hipping brand of Sing apore-bas ed Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) operates 9 0 ves s els . NOL was formed in 19 6 8 and as s umed its current form in 19 9 7 by merg ing with American Pres ident Lines (APL). NOL is the holding company lis ted on the Sing apore Stock Exchang…
Inland waterways play a much greater role in inland freight carrying in the United Kingdom than is generally realised. The purpose of this article is to show the extent of the underestimation of water transport and to outline the potential for future development and the problems which will have to be overcome to realise that potential.
The environmental consequences of international trade and transport have gained importance as a result of the current climate debate. Products are increasingly being produced in one part of the world, transported to another country and then redistributed to their final country of consumption. Since more than 80% of world trade tonnage measured in metric tons is carried by seagoing vessels, mar…
Discusses the results of a survey among shippers in several European countries involved in outsourcing their transport, warehousing and other logistics activities. The survey, which is a joint initiative of the universities of Cranfield, Eindhoven, LinkoÈ ping and Rotterdam (Erasmus) and of ManDat GmbH, is a sequel to a similar survey carried out five years ago and has led to a renewed insigh…
In recent years, many foreign firms have flocked to China (People’s Republic of China) to take advantage of the opportunities in the large market. However, some of these firms have faced logistical problems in transporting and distributing their goods in China. Identifies the transportation problems faced by foreign firms operating in China and examines the possible actions and factors for mi…
While transport seems to be increasingly constrained in its mission to supply services which are continuous, costless and available in all directions, the telecommunications system seems to have no such constraints and to be developing ever more rapidly in terms of inter‐connectivity, falling costs and multi‐directionality. It would seem to be impossible to contemplate the future demand for…
The environmental impacts of transportation are rarely brought into decision making frameworks. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a framework and tool to help in these organizational decisions
Transportation problem is an optimization problem. In general, it was studied under random or uncertain condition. Considering the recent complexity, it is not enough to make should be a perfect transportation plan only based on. Usually, there is not only uncertainty but also randomness in many systems. In this paper, the aim is to investigate a transportation problem under uncertain and rando…
Over the last 3 years, research carried out by Cardiff University has studied the opportunities to integrate freight transport better into supply chains. The paper stems from this work. After asserting the principal reasons why better transport integration is important, it charts a range of diagnostic tools that were deployed. The tools represent a menu of instruments that aim to aid understand…
Prasarana dan sarana transportasi adalah urat nadi kehidupan ekonomi dan perdagangan sebuah negara. Pertumbuhan ekonomi mustahil terjadi tanpa dukungan infrastruktur transportasi yang memadai. Peran sektor transportasi lebih penting lagi di negara kepulauan seperti Indonesia, yang tak hanya memerlukan aneka moda transportasi darat—angkutan jalan raya dan …
Prasarana dan sarana transportasi adalah urat nadi kehidupan ekonomi dan perdagangan sebuah negara. Pertumbuhan ekonomi mustahil terjadi tanpa dukungan infrastruktur transportasi yang memadai. Peran sektor transportasi lebih penting lagi di negara kepulauan seperti Indonesia, yang tak hanya memerlukan aneka moda transportasi darat—angkutan jalan raya dan …
While the operational realities of intermodal transport are relatively well known, the institutional challenges are less well understood. This book provides an overview of intermodal transport and logistics including the policy background, emerging industry trends and academic approaches. Establishing the three key features of intermodal transport geography as intermodal terminals, inland logis…
As the economy becomes increasingly specialised and globalised, the importance of logistics also increases. For global transportation systems, seaports play a key role as transhipment hubs. As seaports incorporate and coordinate hinterland logistic activities within the activities of the port, the strategies they employ influence the decisions made by both local and global logistic service prov…
Buku Pengantar Transportasi dan Logistik ini adalah sebuah buku tentang arti, fungsi dan peranan transportasi dan logistik dalam industri/perekonomian. Kegiatan transportasi selalu melibatkan berbagai lembaga, karena fungsi dan peran masing-masing tidak mungkin hanya ditangani oleh satu lembaga saja.
Protes publik transportasi Indonesia menitikberatkan kepada empat hal : 1. Mengkritisi kebijakan publik yang berjalan tidak 2. Menyadarkan publik/masyarakat terkait dengan hak-haknya; 3. Mendorong upaya-upaya pemenuhan hak publik lebih baik; 4. Menawarkan solusi. Keempat hal tersebut ditulis dengan analisis yang tajam. Buku ini dapat menjadi acuan dan sumber ide bagi media-media dalam me…
The geography of transport systems is now into its third edition,. substantial efforts have been made to build on the first and second editions' success by improving the content and this structure.
The book includes topics such as: liability of the multimodal transport operator and its limits combinations of transport modes (sea-air, air-road, piggyback, land-sea-land, among others) special transport operations (delivering power plant equipments, helicopters, household goods) insurance issues and excluded perils thinking in alternatives - what happens when there is a strike or port conges…
This book is review of recent technological development in the land air and maritime transport sectors. content this book abaut rail transport, road transport vehicles, air service, recent development in maritime transport and conclusions.
Ini buku tentang sebuah transformasi. Buku ini mewakili dua isu menarik. Pertama, tentang success story sebuah organisasi bisnis dalam mengatasi TANTANGAN INTERNAL untuk kemudian tidak saja berhasil meraup laba berlipat, namun juga menuai kekaguman. Kedua, yang lebih menarik, keberhasilan tersebut ditorehkan oleh sebuah BUMN, sebuah sosok yang lekat dengan dampak buruk birokrasi. Maka buku ini …
Sejarah CMNP adalah teladan yang sangat berharga. Mulanya, hanyalah obsesi sederhana, bagaimana membangkitkan semangat anak negeri untuk terus berkarya, berkontribusi mengatasi problem keterbatasan infrastruktur. Mewujudkan obsesi itu ternyata tidak mudah dan membutuhkan perjuangan yang rumit dan kompleks. Meskipun nahkoda utamanya adalah mbak Tutut, anak mantan Presiden Soeharto. Pesimisme ya…
Global economic growth faltered in 2013 as economic activity in developing regions suffered setbacks and as the situation in the advanced economies improved only slightly. Prospects for the world economy, trade and shipping seem to be improving although a number of risks mostly on the downside remain.
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code lays out the regulatory framework for all aspects of handling dangerous goods and marine pollutants in sea transport, but does not include all details of procedures for packing of dangerous goods or actions to take in the event of an emergency or accident involving personnel associated with the IMDG Code that cover these aspects of the transport o…
Buku petunjuk angkutan laut dan kepelabuhanan indonesia yaitu buku yang diterbitkan oleh departemen perhubungan laut yang berisi informasi yang selengkap mungkin tentang sektor kelautan meliputi informasi mengenai peraturan-peraturan Sub Sektor Transportasi laut. Melalui buku ini masyarakat diharapkan dapat memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang penyelenggaraan dan pengusahaan angkutan laut, s…
The shipping industry has an impact on each and every one of us every day. Ships transport the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the materials used to build our homes, and the fuel that heats them. Yet traditional shipping companies - ones that combine various aspects of shipping under one organizational roof - are on the decline. They are gradually being replaced by new, mor…
The purpose of the IMO model courses is to assist maritime training institutes and their teaching staff in organzing and introducing new training courses, or in enching, updating or supplementing existing training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training course may thereby be improved
the purpose of the IMO model courses is to asssistmaritime training instituds and their teaching staff in orgaizing and introducting new training courses, or in enhancing, updating or supplementing exiting training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training courses may thereby be improved
Transportasi laut Indonesia : analisis sistem & studi kasus
pelabuhan memiliki potensi besar untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi bangsa negera. sayangnya pelabuhan-pelabuhan laut di Indonesia sudah lama tidak dikelola dengan baik. Tidak mengherankan peringkat pelabuhan Indonesia kalah jauh dibanding Singapura atau Hongkong. International Port Corporation (IPC) bertekad mengubah pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Indonesia memiliki daya saing. Transporting Light to …
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, better known as SOLAS, which covers a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping. The Convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914 following the sinking of the Titanic with the loss …
Transportasi dan perubahan iklim : kontribusi transportasi Indonesia dalam rangka mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca
The TransNav 2011 Symposium held at the Gdynia Maritime University, Poland in June 2011 has brought together a wide range of participants from all over the world. The program has offered a variety of contributions, allowing to look at many aspects of the navigational safety from various different points of view. Topics presented and discussed at the Symposium were: navigation, safety at …
Perubahan konstelasi pola perdagangan internasional berimplikasi terhadap manajemen transportasi laut. Perusahaan pelayaran yang dulu secara tradisional menyediakan jasa pengangkutan port to port ekspansi menjadi penyedia jasa logistic door to door services. Penyedia jasa transportasi laut yang telah menjadi pusat jasa logistic berhasil menjalankan strategi pengintegrasian aktivitas bisnis upst…
The marine transportation of oil is also a vital artery linking production areas to refineries. And so, the purpose and aim of this book has been to present and examine some of the most important parts of oil-tanker transportation in order that the transportation of oil from production field to refinery be evaluated systematically.
This book will allow oil transportation analysts to evaluat…
The purpose of this paper is to look into the fate of a troubled initiative in Hong Kong that was developed in the midst of discussions between Beijing and London leading towards the 1997 handover. It sets out to shred new light on the “forecasting gap”: the gap between the anticipated level of traffic and the real volume of traffic in the years following the opening of a new infrastructure
The operation of transportation determines the efficiency of moving products. The progress in techniques and management principles improves the moving load, delivery speed, service quality, operation costs, the usage of facilities and energy saving. Transportation takes a crucial part in the manipulation of logistic. Reviewing the current condition, a strong system needs a clear frame of logist…
The purpose of this atticle is to model the factors determining the goods traffic along the logistical channels located in various geopolitical regions on the basis of the transport network. The attention is focused on theoretical presumption of logistical channels formation in a logistical system. In this modeling the factors which determine the formation of the goods flow along the subsystems…
The enormous potential of combined transport (rail-road) makes rail the main alternative to the transport of freight by road in the Europe. Unfortunately, the European railway network is strongly fragmented, having different bottleneck points. This paper presents research that centers on the transhipment tasks in the Port Bou terminal. This terminal is a bottleneck point because of the differen…
This article addresses the problem of scheduling container transfer operations in rail terminals. The overall problem can be divided into three smaller problems: constructing a dual-cycle delivery task by matching inbound and outbound containers; determining parking positions for trucks; and sequencing the delivery tasks for transfer by the rail crane. This article provides a mathematical model…
To be competitive with other modes of transport, railways need to be cost-effective. In order to become more competitive in the logistics sector, Indian Railways has taken new initiatives to improve their operations in recent years. A rail–truck intermodal transportation service for Indian Railways is described in this paper. The main focus of the research presented in this paper is on the jo…
This paper investigates a less-than-truckload carrier collaboration decision-making problem in the e-commerce logistics network. E-commerce less-than-truckload carrier collaboration problem considers multiple logistics service providers (LSPs) forming a collaborative alliance in an e-commerce logistics network. They share their transportation requests and vehicle capabilities to maximise the to…
This paper investigates opportunities for increased profit and reduced emissions and cost by service differentiation within container shipping. Traditionally the strategy among the container lines has been profit maximization by utilizing economies of scale through the building of larger and faster vessels. In 2008, the financial crisis in combination with higher fuel prices put an end to this …
The transport and logistics sector is of vital importance for the stimulation of trade and hence the economic development of nations. However, over the last few years, this sector has taken central stage in the green agenda due to the negative environmental effects derived from its operations. Several disciplines including operations research and sub-areas of supply chain management such as gre…
Retail traffic is one of the main drivers for the growth of intermodal transport services in the UK. This paper examines the key factors underpinning this modal shift in order to learn lessons for other market and geographical contexts. Since successful retail intermodal logistics involves many actors, this paper is based on semi-structured interviews with major UK retailers, third-party logist…