Surat Perintah Kerja Nomor :PBJ/SPK/23/X/PMLI-2015 TANGGAL 26 OKTOBER 2015 Dari Pekerjaan Pengadaan Langsung Seragam Karyawan PT Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia Antara PT Pendidikan Maritim dan Logistik Indonesia Dengan PT Tri Asih Lestari Jalan Tebet Timur Dalam I B No. 3 Jakarta Selatan
Seaport gateways and the corridors which connect them to widely dispersed hinterlands are of vital and essential importance to international trade and the world economy. Distributing goods to ultimate land destinations or bringing the goods to seaports from inland origins is organizationally complex involving multiple actors. This book furthers understanding about how this movement is organized…
pelatihan Program Manajemen Pelabuhan Dagang, mendukung komunitas pelabuhan di negara-negara dalam upaya mengembangkan pengelolaan pelabuhan yang efisien dan kompetitif. Dalam rangka meningkatkan arus perdagangan dan mendorong pembangunan ekonomi, program menciptakan jaringan pelabuhan menyatukan masyarakat, swasta dan badan internasional. Tujuannya adalah untuk berbagi pengetah…
Ship planning for container terminal : operations development program 2014 - 2015
Gears lubrication
The worldwide market of terminal operating systems is very heterogeneous. It is characterized by many providers each of them offering more than one different product. The range of functions of each product is quite diverse depending on the scope of the product. This market survey is supposed to bring transparency into this market. Therefore public information as well as information derived from…
Shipping has many hundreds of terms and phrases whose meaning is not always obvious, even for experienced practitioners. This comprehensive dictionary contains concise definitions of maritime terms and phrases, including those used in liner, tramp and bulk shipping.
This sixth edition contains new terms and phrases which cover: The latest technological and other improvements in cargo hand…Get your organization's expertise out of its silos and make it flow-with lessons from over a decade of experience Looking at knowledge management in a holistic way, Mastering Organizational Knowledge Flow: How to Make Knowledge Sharing Work puts the proper emphasis on non-technical issues. As knowledge is deeply connected to humans, the author moves away from the often overused and therefore…
The second volume tackles the substantive maritime law with a particular emphasis on risk and liabilities, and analyses issues of contract, tort and criminal law, causation and remoteness of damages. Key features of Volume Two include: An analysis of the regulatory regime, new EU and IMO safety at sea legislation, reforming practices for flag states and recognise…
From the bestselling authors who taught the world how to have Crucial Conversations comes the new edition of Influencer, a thought-provoking book that combines the remarkable insights of behavioral scientists and business leaders with the astonishing stories of high-powered influencers from all walks of life. You'll be taught each and every step of the influence process--including robust str…
Selama 5000 tahun pengiriman telah melayani perekonomian dunia dan hari ini menyediakan layanan transportasi canggih untuk setiap bagian dari dunia. Namun meskipun kompleksitas ekonomi, pengiriman mempertahankan banyak dari pemotongan yang kompetitif dan tekanan dari "sempurna" pasar ekonomi klasik. Campuran logistik canggih dan lebih besar dari pengusaha kehidupan membuatnya menjadi studi k…
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, stunned the world into looking at the issue of security much more seriously. No longer is supply chain security just about controlling theft - the supply chain can be made use of by terrorists and other undesirable elements. In this comprehensive guide for practitioners to the best practices in safety and security, you…
Indonesian shipping firm PT Djakarta Lloyd plans to boos t its coal s hipping busines s by signing contracts with PT Adaro Indonesia and PT Berau Coal in 20 15, reports the Jakarta Pos
This book was originally published prior to 1923, and represents a reproduction of an important historical work, maintaining the same format as the original work. While some publishers have opted to apply OCR (optical character recognition) technology to the process, we believe this leads to sub-optimal results (frequent typographical errors, strange characters and confusing formatting) and doe…
Soft Skills merupakan kecakapan yang dibutuhkan para profesional untuk berhasil dalam bisnis dan kehidupan. Nilai-nilai profesional meliputi pelayanan, kerendahan hati dan integritas seseorang yang berkontribusi bagi kesuksesan pribadi. Nilsi-nilsi tersebut bersama prinsip-prinsip Soft skills menjadi fondasi bagi pengembangan Soft skills profesional. Prinsip-prinsip Soft skills yang meliputi m…
Container handling activities in Tanjung Priok Port, the biggest port in Indonesia, received a lot of critics from customers. The port is perceived to be slow in executing its operation, which create unnecessary extra cost for customers. The port it self suffer from lack of backup area needed to expand its handling capacity. Expansion is necessary to anticipate the fast growing cargo traffic in…
This research resulted Result of economic analysis using payback period shows the development of Gilimas Port need 7 years and 7 moths in optimistic scenario, 8 years and 7 moths for moderate and 9 years for pessimistic scenario. Result of economic analysis by using interest rate return (IRR) shows that for Gilimas port the value of IRR is bigger than the interest, so whether optimistic, m…
This comprehensive history provides a fresh interpretation of Southeast Asia from 100 to 1500, when major social and economic developments foundational to modern societies took place on the mainland (Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam) and the island world (Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines). Incorporating the latest archeological evidence and international scholarship, Kenneth R. Ha…
This book focuses on business firms as catalysts and agents of social and ecomic change, and explores the argument that sustainable development is the perfect opportunity for businesses to strengthen the evolving tion of corporate social responsibility, while achieving long-term growth through invation, research and development.
Manfaatkan Jejaring Profesional Anda untuk meningkatkan Pengetahuan! Perubahan kini sering datang makin cepat, makin dahsyat dan tak terduga. Ketidakmampuan kita menyesuaikan diri membuat perubahan itu kita rasakan sebagai krisis. Dalam satu dekade terakhir ini krisis demi krisis mulai di tingkat lokal sampai global telah berkali-kali mengancam banyak orang. Mulai dari gelombang PHK, terkikisny…
Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie educate readers in one of the hottest trendsin business: ''design thinking,'' or the ability to turn abstract ideas into practical applications for maximal business growth. Liedtka and Ogilvie cover the mind- set, techniques, and vocabulary of design thinking, unpack the mysterious connection beetwen design and growth, and teach managers ina straightforward way ho…
In Risk Savvy, Gigerenzer reveals that most of us, including doctors, lawyers, financial advisers, and elected officials, misunderstand statistics much more often than we think, leaving us not only misinformed, but vulnerable to exploitation. Yet there is hope. Anyone can learn to make better decisions for their health, finances, family, and business without needing to consult an expert or a su…
Logistic Core Operations with SAP” not only provides an overview of core logistics processes and functionality—it also shows how SAP’s Business Suite covers logistic core operations, what features are supported, and which systems can be used to implement end-to-end processes in the following logistic core disciplines: Procurement, Distribution, Transportation, Warehouse Logistics and Inve…