Dalam satu rangkaian rantai pasok, vendor merupakan salah satu faktor penentukeberhasilan perusahaan karena dengan adanya vendor yang baik maka kebutuhanbahan baku berkualitas dari perusahaan dapat dipenuhi. Untuk mendapatkan bahan dalam membuat suatu produk, perusahaan tidak boleh tergantung pada satu sumber saja melainkan harus menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa vendor untuk dapat memenuhi…
The purpose of this paper is to advance thought and practice on supply chain relationship building, in the context of humanitarian logistics, drawing on lessons from leading practitioners.
With global trade at unprecedented levels, port and terminal managements are fast adapting to meet rising demand. Globalisation is putting port models under increasing pressure to remain competitive in fickle cargo markets. Increasing productivity ─ through expansion or better utilisation of existing assets ─ is a must for economic survival.
This paper aims to describe the storage constrained, inbound inventory routeing problem and presents bounds and heuristics for solutions to this problem. It also seeks to analyze various characteristics of this problem by comparing the solutions generated by the two proposed heuristics with each other and with the lower bound solutions.
Safety at sea is a major concern of the maritime industry and it is through education and training that continued improvement can be realized. Despite increased awareness there has often only been minimal improvement made to training programs. The steady stream of accidents and disasters at sea are testament to this situation. This paper has been written to encourage a review of present maritim…
The effectiveness of a breakwater can be measured by quantifying the transmission coefficient (KT). The smaller the coefficient, the better the performance of the breakwater. A physical modeling on the proposed breakwater was conducted to identify the coefficient of Perforated Skirt Breakwater (PSB). The PSB model was tested in 2-D wave flume at Ocean Wave Research Laboratory FTSL ITB, to obtai…
This Chapter provides information on the full range of shipboard operations, including loading and discharging of cargo, hose clearing, tank cleaning and gas freeing, ballasting, tanker-to-tanker transfers and mooring. The Chapter also includes information on the safe handling of particular cargoes, such as static accumulator oils, those having a high vapour pressure and those containing hydr…
The goal of this paper is to discuss the functions of a port hinterland, perform comparative analysis of existing port-type FTZ regulations and systems in Taiwan and Korea based on a port hinterland perspective, and provide recommendations concerning relevant policies and measures to government. This paper’s findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Existing container terminals in Taiwan co…
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent one can apply experiential learning theory (ELT) to the public-private partnership (PPP) setting in Russia and to draw insights regarding the learning cycle’s nature. Additionally, the paper assesses whether the PPP case confirms Kolb’s ELT. Design/methodology/approach – The case study draws upon primary data which th…
This book describe the activities, facilities and operation of the container terminal. Beside Explain the role of the container terminal in cargo handling and Discuss organizational structure, management, supervision and control of the container terminal.
This book describe the activities, facilities and operation of the container terminal. Beside Explain the role of the container terminal in cargo handling and Discuss organizational structure, management, supervision and control of the container terminal.
This book describe the activities, facilities and operation of the container terminal. Besides discuss organizational structure, management, supervision and control of container terminal Explain the role of the container terminal in cargo handling and safety working environment.
Buku ini membahas mengenai kode etik bisnis. Buku kode etik bisnis ini meliputi beberapa sub bagian yang mana menjelaskan mengenai kode etik yang dilakukan dalam bekerja. Pada buku ini untuk bab pertama membahas mengenai etika profesional. Etika profesional disini membahas mengenai insan IPC, Pelanggan kami, Vendor, Kompetitor, Komunitas, Institusi pemerintah dan Aktivitas Politik. Pada bab d…
This module is an introductory to Supply Chain Management, anad part of module of FIATA Higher Diploma in Supply Chain Management
[15:55, 1/15/2018] Mas Ridwan: Indonesia merupakan Negara berkembang yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan hal ini menyebabkan peningkatan GDP yang signifikan. Target produktivitas Indonesia harus mencapai 60% untuk dapat mempertahankan nilai barang dan jasa sebesar 6% – 7%. Ketidakmerataan pertumbuhan GDP di Indonesia khususnya terjadi pada kawasan di luar pulau Jawa dikarenakan akses yang sulit…
Opus end user program device