seaports has broad implications for the development prospects of the global economy. However, the picture is very uncertain because t he impacts of climate change will be felt very differently around the world, both positively and negatively. This book addresses the need for quality theoretical analysis, highly innovative assessment methodologies and insightful empirical global experiences so a…
Port systemdevelopment is a key theme in port geography literature. Recent decades have brought a rise in container terminal development at estuarine, coastal and offshore port locations, in part driven by scale increases in vessel size. This paper examines howcontainer ports located upstreamon rivers use processes of adaptive capacity building in an attempt to remain competitive in port system…
Seaports ascriticalshore-basedinfrastructureareparticularlyvulnerabletoimpactssuchassealevelriseand increasingincidentsofsevereweatherevents.Inexcessofninetypercentofglobaltradebyvolumis transportedbysea.InIreland,seaportsareofstrategicimportancetothenationaleconomy.Asanisland nation,ninetyeightpercentoftradebyvolumecomesthroughitsseaports.ClimateissuesfacingIrish portsincludeincreasingstormine…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there is an impact, from a provider’s perspective, of customer-specific adaptations by third-party logistics (3PL) providers on the success of 3PL-relationships.