The key to success in life and business is to become a master at Conversational Intelligence. It?s not about how smart you are, but how open you are to learn new and effective powerful conversational rituals that prime the brain for trust, partnership, and mutual success. Conversational Intelligence translates the wealth of new insights coming out of neuroscience from across the globe, and brin…
Apakah IQ merupakan takdir? Goleman memperlihatkan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan orang ber-IQ tinggi gagal dan orang yang ber-IQ sedang menjadi sangat sukses. Faktor-faktor itu mengacu pada "kecerdasan emosional”, yang mencakup kesadaran diri dan kendali dorongan hati, ketekunan, semangat dan motivasi diri, empati, serta kecakapan sosial. Kecerdasan emosional merupakan ciri orang-orang ya…
"Ary Ginanjar membawa kekuatan besar ESQ menuju wajah Islam yang simpatik. Ari membawa suara kebijaksanaan, dan kata-katanya membuka hati saya untuk melihat keindahan agama yang sebelumnya tidak bisa saya pahami. Buku ini menyejukkan hubungan antara Muslim dan non-Muslim, dan memperkaya kehidupan spiritual kita."Penulis buku, "SQ: Spiritual Itelligence" dan "Spiritual Capital"Buku ini sangat be…
The purpose of this paper is to explain why change programs fail in spite of best practice processes and procedures and to examine the improvements that can be made by developing effective change leaders.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the most generally applied definitions and other aspects of emotional intelligence, as well as its associated managerial leadership competencies in corporate governance.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of psychological hardiness, social judgment, and “Big Five” personality dimensions on leader performance in US military academy cadets at West Point.