Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe, in multiple markets, against brutal competition. His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork, and profits. Since Welch retired in 2001 as chairman and chief executive of…
Buku ini meredefinisi arti soal sukses bagi seorang pengusaha. Sukses material tanpa dibarengi dengan sukses sosial dan spiritual akan menimbulkan ketimpangan bagi diri sendiri, masyarakat dan bangsa secara keseluruhan. Kalau bangsa ini mau bangkit dari penyakit kronis KKN dan penyakit takut menghalalkan segala cara, ketiga sukses tadi harus sejalan. Isi buku ini menunjukkan bahwa itu bukanlah …
The light touch : how to use humor for business success
Be optimal : reach real success in life and business
Kaizen management has two main components. These include improvement, and maintenance of standard operating procedures. Maintaining standards involves training and discipline. Kaizen represents small improvements in the current system, while innovation represents a significant improvement resulting from a major change such as a large investment in new technology or equipment. Everyone in the or…
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute menceritakan kisah Michael Hobbs, seorang direktur dan CEO yang tengah menghadapi kenyataan yang menyakitkan: perusahaan yang dipimpinnya akan hancur digilas persaingan jika ia tidak segera membenahi nilai dan kebiasaan yang telah berurat akar dalam perusahaannya. Ketika bertemu dengan sang Manajer yang Memampukan Karyawannya, Sandy Fitzwilliam, ia disadarka…
The international bestseller that will help you transform your personal and professional life by changing the way you think. Today, the pressure to achieve is intense. To be at our best, we need our minds working at peak potential. But unless you train it, your mind stays on autopilot, stuck in unhealthy thought patterns that lead to self-sabotaging habits and behaviors. As with your body, you…
Kerja sama selalu menjadi pusat dari prestasi besar, kata penulis terlaris versi New York Times, John C. Maxwell, masalahnya bukanlah apakah tim akan memberi nilai tambah. Masalahnya adalah apakah kita akan mengakui fakta itu dan berusaha menjadi pemain tim yang lebih baik,' Rencana permainan yang jelas dan sangat baik ini akan membantu Anda menciptakan lingkungan yang menghasilkan kemenangan d…
Kebanyakan dari kita ingin mencapai kesuksesan dalam hidup. Namun apakah Anda TAHU bahwa Anda mengambil langkah dan arahan yang benar? Kesuksesan berbeda bagi setiap orang, namun prinsipnya tidak berubah. Dalam Success 101, Jphn Maxwell membagi kesuksesan hingga pada komponen terpentingnya dan menunjukkan dengan tepat seperti apa rasanya meraih kesuksesan itu. RESENSI TERKINI - Success 101 : Ha…
APAKAH ANDA MEMBANTU ORANG LAIN MENCAPAI TINGKATAN SELANJUTNYA ? - Para pemimipin terbaik memiliki mentor yang baik- Saat ini, ahli kepemimipinan bertaraf internasional, John C. Maxwell, memberikan hal terpenting mengenai Mentoring dalam satu volume yang singkat dan mudah untuk di baca. Dalam mentoring 101, ia menberikan langkah-langkah agar anda bisa secara efektif memproduksi kesuksesan di da…
HOW SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE LEAD (Lejitkan pengaruh Anda ke level yang lebih tinggi) TERUS MENANJAK KE LEvEL KEPEMIMPINAN TERTINGGI Tahukah Anda bahwa posisi atu jabatan tidak serta-merta menjadikan Anda pemimpin yant sesungguhnya? Bahkan, Dr. Maxwell menegaskan, posisi adalh level terndah dalam kepemimpinan. Agar bisa menjadi pemimpin yang berpengaruh kuat dan luas, Anda harus beranhak dari kepemimp…
The 4th Secret of the One Minute Manager menceritakan kisah seorang pria muda yang cerdas, Matt Hawkins, yang ingin menolong mentornya, presiden perusahaan itu, dalam menghadapi dan mengatasi beberapa kesalahan fatal. Matt pun meminta nasihat seorang teman keluarganya, Jack Peterson, yang dikenal oleh semua orang sebagai Manajer Satu Menit. Akhir pekan yang indah di pedesaan ini pun berubah men…
The purpose of this paper is to understand what breaks trust in a customer supplier relationship and how to repair it.
The semiconductor market exceeded US$250 billion worldwide in 2010 and has had a double-digit compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the last 20 years. As it is located far upstream of the electronic product market, the semiconductor industry has suffered severely from the “bullwhip” effect. Therefore, effective e-based supply chain management (e-SCM) has become imperative for the efficient …
The semiconductor market exceeded US$250 billion worldwide in 2010 and has had a double-digit compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the last 20 years. As it is located far upstream of the electronic product market, the semiconductor industry has suffered severely from the “bullwhip” effect. Therefore, effective e-based supply chain management (e-SCM) has become imperative for the efficient …
Provides a rationale for looking at logistics and cultural diversity from a global “intercultural” perspective, and proposes this view as a potential tool for sensitizing logistics managers to cross‐ concerns. Concludes that any firm which embraces this concept by understanding cultural differences and going beyond cultural boundaries will reap increased organizational performance.
Public-private cooperation on the level of project finance, and provision of large-scale infrastructure projects, is increasing on the global level. This paper uses a multi-actor analysis, in order to explore the critical success factors (CSFs) for sound implementation of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the port context, and to determine the diverging opinions of stakeholders with regard …
Critical success factors (CSFs) have been widely used in the context of commercial supply chains. However, in the context of humanitarian aid (HA) this is a poorly addressed area and this paper therefore aims to set out the key areas for research.
In this paper, a case study conducted on a small third-party logistics (3PL) company in Hong Kong is presented. This company is interesting in that it has been designated as the “king” of Hong Kong’s 3PL (in-bound) logistics companies. The company has been successful in its overall business performance and in satisfying customers. This company’s strategic alliances with both clients and…
The purpose of this paper is to critically review the part of the leader succession literature which is based on coach turnover in sport teams. The aim of this paper is to assess the state of the art and the relevance of this literature for sport management and further research.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the critical success factors for sustainable e-learning in an e-learning ecosystem framework. Three critical components of the e-learning ecosystem including principles and methods, processes and systems, and substance and content are considered based on a comprehensive review of the relevant literature in e-learning.
The purpose of this paper is to explore enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation project performance of successful and unsuccessful implementations; critical elements (CEs) that are conducive to success; and whether implementation project performance and CEs vary across the number of modules implemented, product type, and number of employees affected by the ERP.
The On Time, On Target Manager adalah kisah mengenai Bob, seorang manajer menengah pada umumnya, yang menunda segala hal hingga pada detik terakhir. Sebagai hasilnya, ia tidak bisa memenuhi tenggat waktu yang telah ditetapkan karena tidak adanya fokus membuatnya menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang tidak penting sebelum menyelesaikan hal yang lebih penting. Sama seperti banyak profesional lainnya, Bo…
Sikap hidup, pola pikir, dan kebiasaan adalah faktor-faktor yang sangat berperan menentukan sukses atau kegagalan seseorang. Sukses hanya milik mereka yang bersikap positif dan optimistis dalam menjalani kehidupan. Sebaliknya, mereka yang bersikap negatif dan pesimistis, yang selalu melihat sesuatu hanya pada sisi gelapnya, besar kemungkinan hanya bakal jadi pecundang. Buku berisi butir-butir b…
Dalam buku ini, A.M. Lilik Agung dapat membuat suatu pendekatan praktis bagaimana menjadi supervisor sukses. Kajian konsep dan kasus diterapkan dalam kertas kerja, memberikan kekuatan pengawalan dari setiap peran supervisor yang ada.
Lead is a different kind of book. Rather than being the “last word” on leading others, it is meant to be the “first word”—an invitation to the reader to reflect on what the leadership journey means to each and every individual.
At its core, Lead will benefit anyone who seeks to inspire, influence, or lead others, whether they are coaches…