Dahlan Iskan : duty honor and country
Based on an acclaimed professor's legendary strategy course at Harvard Business School, The Strategist offers a radically new perspective on a leader's most vital role. "Are you a strategist?" That's the first question Cynthia Montgomery asks the business owners and senior executives from all over the world who participate in her highly regarded executive education course. It's not a questio…
ohn Tschohl's latest book, Empowerment: A Way of Life, focuses on one simple, yet powerful, principle: Empowered employees will give excellent customer service, turning unhappy customers into happy, repeat customers. Moreover, happy, empowered, fulfilled employees are less likely to leave the company--reducing turnover. Solving a customer's problem quickly benefits everyone, and that is why the…
Seratus kambing yang dipimpin seekor singa akan jauh lebih berbahaya ketimbang seratus singa yang dipimpin seekor kambing,?
ungkap diplomat Prancis, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand.
Ungkapan itu menjadi penting di abad ini ketika Indonesia tengah berada pada kawasan perubahan yang disebut sebagai the edge of chaos. Ya, inilah area yang didefinisikan…
A new style of leader is emerging from the world’s most successful organizations. These dynamic men and women are driven by possibilities and absolutely committed to mutual values. Excited, creative, and alert, they are the new change makers. Imagine: an army of these outstanding leaders running your organization. The Organizational Champion is a priceless tool for enacting positive change…
WOW ditulis oleh Hermawan Kartajaya dan Ardi Ridwansyah. Hermawan Kartajaya adalah seorang pakar marketing yang dikenal sebagai One of The 50 Gurus Who Shaped the Future of Marketing. Beliau juga merupakan founder dan CEO MarkPlus, Inc; beberapa buku sudah di launching oleh beliau ini, dengan bahasan terutama mengenai marketing. Sementara itu Ardhi Ridwansyah merupakan penulis buku yan…
Organizations thrive when employees feel valued, the environment is energized, and high productivity and innovation are the norm. This requires a new kind of leader who fosters a culture of connection within the organization. Michael Lee Stallard’s Connection Culture provides a fresh way of thinking about leadership and offers recommendations for how to tap into the power of human connection…
Dalam buku ini, ia menawarkan intisari dari pekerjaannya untuk memotivasi dan memperkuat kemampuan kepemimpinan yang telah anda miliki. Pelajarilah cara untuk : 1. Mengikuti impian anda dan mengajak orang lain bersama anda, 2. Menghasilkan warisan yang bertahan lama. 3. Menumbuhkan kesetiaan pengikut Anda. 4. Menentukan identitas kepemimpinan Anda. 5. Menggunakan disiplin pribadi untuk men…
Based upon the LEAD NOW! Leadership Development Model, created from interviews, coaching, training, research, and feedback from more than 20,000 leaders worldwide over a period of more than three decades, the Award-winning Stewart Leadership Series is a tool kit for the time starved leader. 52 Gems contains a set of tested insights that will guide all leaders as they face today’s challenge…
Based upon the LEAD NOW! Leadership Development Model, created from interviews, coaching, training, research, and feedback from more than 20,000 leaders worldwide over a period of more than three decades, the Award-winning Stewart Leadership Series is a tool kit for the time starved leader. 52 Leadership Lessons is a collection of entertaining and intriguing stories from nature, history, and…
Based on an acclaimed professor's legendary strategy course at Harvard Business School, The Strategist offers a radically new perspective on a leader's most vital role. "Are you a strategist?" That's the first question Cynthia Montgomery asks the business owners and senior executives from all over the world who participate in her highly regarded executive education course. It's not a questio…
The best leaders are the ones who motivate employees to want to perform at the highest level possible--which is never accomplished with an iron-fist style of management. The best results are achieved through one of the most basic human behaviors: the showing of respect. Organizational change expert Paul Meshanko has studied how the human brain responds in various workplace situations--and his …
Semua keberhasilan dan kegagalan suatu organisasi, perusahaan maupun team tergantung pada kepemimpinan. Kepemimpinan adalah suatu tanggung jawab yang besar. Sebagai pemimpin kita akan selalu dituntut lebih, demikian juga pencapaian tim yang dipercayakan kepada kita sangat dipengaruhi dengan kualitas kepemimpinan yang kita miliki. Oleh karena itu para pemimpin secara berkala perlu selalu meningk…
Tulisan ini bersumber dari pengalaman empirik (emperical experiences) penulis selama berkarya kurang lebih 40 (empat puluh) tahun baik sebagai pelaksana, pemimpin menengah maupun pemimpin puncak suatu lembaga. Semula, dalam 2 buku terbitan terdahulu, penulis mengedepankan selusin, atau dua belas, konsep kepemimpinan yang dapat dipergunakan dalam menjalankan kepemimpinan. Tiga dari dua belas ko…
Global leadership has been frequently heralded by writers and executives as the key to sustained competitive advantage on the part of organizations. In addition, it is clear that the possession of leadership qualities and the display of leader behavior are requirements for individuals attempting to progress in their careers. It is important for aspiring managers to learn about the nature of eff…
"In Authentic Personal Branding, Hubert Rampersad has provided a sorely needed guidebook for knowledge workers. He shows us all how to build our own personal brand-and just as important-how to persuasively communicate this brand to the world. . . . I love his focus on authenticity. . . . My request to you, the reader, is-make this book part of your life. Don't just read this book for its "inter…
Have you ever been led by someone who cared for you like family, and dared you to achieve more than you ever thought possible for yourself, your organization, and even society? Hostage at the Table author George Kohlrieser explains how becoming a secure base leader releases extraordinary potential in others. Care to Dare shows you how to become a Secure Base Leader so that you release your foll…
As the world falls deeper into economic downturns and warfare, the question of credibility (how leaders gain and lose it) is more important than ever. Building on their research from The Leadership Challenge, James Kouzes and Barry Posner explore in Credibility why leadership is above all a relationship, with credibility as the cornerstone, and why leaders must "Say what you mean and mean what …
The leadership challenge certainly focuses on behaviors, principles, and practices, but this skill-centered approach to leadership does not minimize the importance of leader’s authenticity and relational connection with his or her followers. In considering each of the five practices, Kouzes and Posner highlight the relational elements needed for implementation. In order to model the way, for…
The ""disease"" of self-deception (acting in ways contrary to what one knows is right) underlies all leadership problems in today's organizations, according to the premise of this work. However well intentioned they may be, leaders who deceive themselves always end up undermining their own performance. This straightforward book explains how leaders can discover their own self-deceptions and le…
Di era milenium ke-3 (M3), kita dihadapkan pada era kompetisi yang ketat. Pada kondisi demikian, banyak perusahaan yang tumbang. Dalam kondisi demikian, pelayanan kelas satu banyak dibutuhkan untuk menjaga eksistensi sebuah badan usaha. Sudah jelas pelayanan kelas satu sangat dibutuhkan dalam rangka memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan. Sehingga pelanggan menjadi lo…