Suatu ketika, terjadi kebakaran di sebuah rumah. Di dalam rumah naas tersebut tertidur seorang pemuda dengan sangat nyenyak. Seorang lelaki masuk dan mencoba membawa pemuda itu keluar melalui jendela. Tidak bisa. Dia mencoba lagi melalui pintu. Tidak bisa juga. Pemudda itu terlalu besar dan berat. Lelaki tersebut hampir saja putus asa ketika ada seseorang yang memberikan saran, �Bangunkan pem…
From the bestselling authors who taught the world how to have Crucial Conversations comes the new edition of Influencer, a thought-provoking book that combines the remarkable insights of behavioral scientists and business leaders with the astonishing stories of high-powered influencers from all walks of life. You'll be taught each and every step of the influence process--including robust str…
Soft Skills merupakan kecakapan yang dibutuhkan para profesional untuk berhasil dalam bisnis dan kehidupan. Nilai-nilai profesional meliputi pelayanan, kerendahan hati dan integritas seseorang yang berkontribusi bagi kesuksesan pribadi. Nilsi-nilsi tersebut bersama prinsip-prinsip Soft skills menjadi fondasi bagi pengembangan Soft skills profesional. Prinsip-prinsip Soft skills yang meliputi m…
We attempt or avoid difficult conversations every day-whether dealing with an underperforming employee, disagreeing with a spouse, or negotiating with a client. From the Harvard Negotiation Project, the organization that brought you Getting to Yes, Difficult Conversations provides a step-by-step approach to having those tough conversations with less stress and more success. you'll learn how …
Buku ini adalah kelanjutan dari buku Life is Beautiful (2004) yang saat ini telah menjadi national best seller dan dicetak 15 kali. Berbagai perusahaan dan organisasi bisnis telah menjadikan Life is Beautiful sebagai buku wajib karyawannya, termasuk di antaranya sebuah perusahaan Multi Level Marketing (MLM) yang terkemuka di Indonesia. Life is Beautiful 2 (LIB 2) ini sesungguhnya ingin melanjut…
Buku Life Story merupakan refleksi inspiratif dari Darwin Silalahi tentang kepemimpinan, manajemen, karier dan hidup. Lewat judul, buku ini mengedepankan bahwa ukuran sukses pencapaian hidup dan karier seseorang adalah makna kehidupan yang kita jalani dan perbedaan yang terciptakan melalui kepemimpinan kita. Terbebaskan dari berbagai keterbatasan melalui pendidikan, kerja keras dan kepasrahan …
New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell believes that any setback, whether professional or personal, can be turned into a step forward when you possess the right tools to turn a loss into a gain. Drawing on nearly fifty years of leadership experience, Dr. Maxwell provides a roadmap for winning by examining the eleven elements that constitute the DNA of learners who succeed in the face…
This paper aims to present a summary of a study to identify the competencies of effective leadership and management in the British Royal Navy (RN).
The storied British banker and financier Nathan Rothschild noted that great fortunes are made when cannonballs fall in the harbor, not when violins play in the ballroom. Rothschild understood that the more unpredictable the environment, the greater the opportunity if you have the leadership skills to capitalize on it. Through research at the Wharton School and at our consulting firm involving m…
Geopost is a leading distribution and logistics player in theUK and Ireland, employing over 3,800 people. It embarked upon a major change and leadership programme, named “Making A Difference” (MAD). Comprised of fourmodules, MAD has facilitated the development of change management skills and behaviours amongst 60 managers at MAD. MAD encapsulates modules on personal leadership styles, peopl…
With the growing acceptance of logistics and supply chain management (SCM) as critical business concerns, there is an emerging realisation that more investment is needed to develop appropriate managerial skills and competencies for supply chain managers. This paper explores the challenges for management development that arise as organisations seek to bridge the gap between current capabilities …
The purpose of this article is to investigate how political skill relates to career decisions and occupational fit.
The aim of this research is to identify the relevant skills and their relative importance, required by supply chain managers, and to suggest the key skill items that require improvement.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate job profiles in humanitarian logistics, and assess current task priorities in light of further training and educational needs.
The purpose of this paper is to present the current empirical research examining communication, compensation and logistics as elements of product crises management in retailing.
TUBUH Dan jiwanya kita? Bagaimana Cara memacu Diri kita Menuju kesuksesan? Alam memberikan Rangkaian Tanda untuk kitd. Kita Bisa melihat, memahami, Dan akhirnya Menghitung secara Pasti. Demikian pula, TUBUH Dan jiwanya manusia menyajikan Tanda-Tanda untuk kitd Kenali. Aneka perubahan Dan Dinamika, MULAI bahasa Dari jatuh bangun, Gagal maupun sukses Yang meroket, Datang SIL Tanda masing-masing. …
Anthony Robbins, pencetus puncak performa diri, menunjukkan strateginya yang terefektif dan teknik untuk menguasai diri anda, tubuh anda, emosi anda, hubungan anda, keuangan anda, bahkan segala sendi dari kehidupan anda. Sebagai ahli psikologi perubahan, Anthony Robbins menyediakan program langkah demi langkah pelajaran dasar penguasaan diri yang akan memungkinkan anda untuk menemukan tujuan se…