This book focuses on business firms as catalysts and agents of social and ecomic change, and explores the argument that sustainable development is the perfect opportunity for businesses to strengthen the evolving tion of corporate social responsibility, while achieving long-term growth through invation, research and development.
Manfaatkan Jejaring Profesional Anda untuk meningkatkan Pengetahuan! Perubahan kini sering datang makin cepat, makin dahsyat dan tak terduga. Ketidakmampuan kita menyesuaikan diri membuat perubahan itu kita rasakan sebagai krisis. Dalam satu dekade terakhir ini krisis demi krisis mulai di tingkat lokal sampai global telah berkali-kali mengancam banyak orang. Mulai dari gelombang PHK, terkikisny…
Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie educate readers in one of the hottest trendsin business: ''design thinking,'' or the ability to turn abstract ideas into practical applications for maximal business growth. Liedtka and Ogilvie cover the mind- set, techniques, and vocabulary of design thinking, unpack the mysterious connection beetwen design and growth, and teach managers ina straightforward way ho…
In Risk Savvy, Gigerenzer reveals that most of us, including doctors, lawyers, financial advisers, and elected officials, misunderstand statistics much more often than we think, leaving us not only misinformed, but vulnerable to exploitation. Yet there is hope. Anyone can learn to make better decisions for their health, finances, family, and business without needing to consult an expert or a su…
Logistic Core Operations with SAP” not only provides an overview of core logistics processes and functionality—it also shows how SAP’s Business Suite covers logistic core operations, what features are supported, and which systems can be used to implement end-to-end processes in the following logistic core disciplines: Procurement, Distribution, Transportation, Warehouse Logistics and Inve…
Current globalization and borderless operations in manufacturing are creating a greater demand for international transportation and supply chain logistics. Maritime (shipping and ports) is one of the key components in this business pattern. It is now estimated that approximately 90% of global trading freight moves by ship. As this trade increases it is becoming more important to have a clear un…
Tidak ada kata "gagal" di dalam proses pendakian. Kegagalan hanya ada jika sebelum memulai mendaki seseorang mengatakan kepada dirinya sendiri "aku akan gagal". Meskipun menjadi pimpinan di jenjang apa pun adalah suatu keberhasilan, namun keberhasilan akan makin tinggi jika yang dicapai adalah jenjang kepemimpinan yang lebih tinggi. Buku ini memuat 10 kiat strategis untuk menjawab tantangan pen…
DENGAN BELAJAR, SIAPA PUN BISA MEMIMPIN Di dalam kehidupan, menjadi pemimpin adalah sebuah keharusan. Setidaknya setiap manusia harus memimpin diri sendiri agar mampu menjadi pribadi yang baik. Lebih jauhnya, sebagai manusia yang tumbuh dan berkembang kelak akan memimpin keluarga, organisasi, bahkan memimpin masyarakat. Seorang pemimpin tentu harus memiliki talenta tersendiri. Memiliki fis…
What is an inherently good corporation? A “good” corporation has to be successful in economic terms but simultaneously contribute to the environment and strengthen social coherence. Within its various spheres of influence, it has to work according to universal ethical principles. Many corporations already act as a “good” one and without a lot of discussion about it. Yet, there are other…
Buku ini merupakan buku yang berisi tentang kumpulan guntingan surat kabar / majalah mengenai penyusunan tarif pelayanan jasa kepelabuhanan.
Pada buku ini berisi mengenai pelabuhan tanjung priok. Didalamnya membahas bagaimana pembangunan mengikuti zaman, bagaimana menumpuk barang, bagaimana mengukur kedalaman pemelihara, bagaimana mengukur fasilitas dermaga, bagaimana pelayanan khusus.
In line with Company's Vision to be able tp provide the best service for consumers and also to be par of country's development process, we are committede tp progress through required investment.
Buku ini merupakan buku yang di terbitkan oleh lembaga sendiri yaitu PT Pelabuhan indonesia. dimana didalamnya berisi tentang Dokumen pernyataaan sikap pekerja Dokumen Surat Surat serikat kerja seputar undang-undang pelayaran . Dokumen tinjauan akademis, jawaban DPR dan Usulan kadin
Passion (hasrat dan gairah) adalah modal berharga bagi seseorang untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Passion merupakan faktor mutlak yang menggerakkan kita dalam menjalani proses untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Passion adalah suntikan yang membawa Michael Jordan, Pele, Lance Amstrong, hingga Chris John tampil sebagai sosok-sosok juara dalam cabang olahraga masing-masing. Bermodalkan passion, sosok pebas…
The Port of Tanjung Priok will see continued positive growth in 2016, building on momentum from last year. For annual tonnage throughput we forecast a robust 6.0% growth and a more sedate 2.6% for container throughput. Indonesia's other major port, Palembang, will also record positive growth in 2016, albeit at slightly slower rates compared to 2015, with 3.5% growth in annual throughput and 5.3…
The purpose of this article is to formulate an integrated framework for distribution firms to establish and so improve their distribution systems. Since information technology is an important prerequisite to good logistics management, integration of information technology with the logistics management concept is presented. In the presentation, relevant Taiwanese practices are covered. Because f…
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of the strategic management tool, Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats or SWOT analysis, and to assess how the methodology has been used as well as changes to the methodology. The findings both for and against SWOTanalysis should lead to a balanced view of the technique as well as yield ideas for needed theory building.
Address books, video cameras, pagers, wristwatches, maps, books, travel games, flashlights, home telephones, dictation recorders, cash registers, Walkmen, Day- Timers, alarm clocks, answering machines, yellow pages, wallets, keys, phrase books, transistor radios, personal digital assistants, dashboard navigation systems, remote controls, airline ticket counters, newspapers and magazines, direct…
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this pub…
This resource extamines the linkages between human resource management and knowledge management. Specifically, the association between four areas of human resource managemen (training, decision-making performance appraisal and compessasion and reward) with the five areas with of knowledge management (Knowledge acquisition, knowledge documentation, knowledge transfer, knowledge creation, knowled…
This paper proposes a bivariate long term fuzzy inference system for time series forecasting task in the field of freight market. Fuzzy time series methods are applied by many scholars and it is broadly accepted pattern recognition and forecasting tool. Previous studies mainly establish algorithms for high frequency time series data such as daily and monthly intervals. The proposed model perfor…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the European Business Review is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Top management issues; Marketing and distribution; Personnel and training; Information management and technology; Operations and production management; Accounting and finance.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of the current body of research on inter-organizational knowledge transfer, indicating some of its limitations and openings for future studies. It maps research in an integrative framework of knowledge-specific, organizational and network-level antecedents and performance outcomes of transfer. When assuming that transfer of knowledge …
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of knowledge-specific, organizational and inter-organizational antecedents of transfer in business acquisitions. A study gives special attention to the intrinsic nature of knowledge, absorptive capacity of the acquirer and acquiree, and inter-firm relationships as key antecedents of transfer.
Of great concern today is how to collect and recycle post‐consumer waste efficiently. Reports the results of a study of 47 collection schemes for household waste which examined their logistical characteristics. An extensive literature review revealed that much recycling research suffers from a lack of theory. Discusses why and how logistics theory can contribute to the understanding of what i…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences between Finnish and Russian, namely Karelian, food industry supply chains. The main objective is to find out the reasons for low productivity in Russian food industry from supply chain management (SCM) point of view.
Purpose – Real operational data are used to optimise the performance measurement of air cargo capacity demand management at Virgin Atlanticb Cargo by identifying the best KPIs from the range of outcome-based KPIs in current use. Design/methodology/approach – Intelligent fuzzy multi-criteria methods are used to generate a ranking order of key outcome-based performance indicators. More spec…
The purpose of empirical study is to focus on the relationship between perceived private label brand (PLB) image, and perceived store image (SI) and feeling associated with the presence of national brand (NB).
Studies conducted on advanced planning and scheduling (APS) systems have found problems in the marginal or negative returns from APS systems when they are implemented inmmanufacturing planning and control processes. The purpose of this study is to examine what problems exist in the onward and upward phase of the APS system implementation and how the individual, technical and organizational (ITO…
Dalam satu rangkaian rantai pasok, vendor merupakan salah satu faktor penentukeberhasilan perusahaan karena dengan adanya vendor yang baik maka kebutuhanbahan baku berkualitas dari perusahaan dapat dipenuhi. Untuk mendapatkan bahan dalam membuat suatu produk, perusahaan tidak boleh tergantung pada satu sumber saja melainkan harus menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa vendor untuk dapat memenuhi…
The purpose of this paper is to advance thought and practice on supply chain relationship building, in the context of humanitarian logistics, drawing on lessons from leading practitioners.
With global trade at unprecedented levels, port and terminal managements are fast adapting to meet rising demand. Globalisation is putting port models under increasing pressure to remain competitive in fickle cargo markets. Increasing productivity ─ through expansion or better utilisation of existing assets ─ is a must for economic survival.
This paper aims to describe the storage constrained, inbound inventory routeing problem and presents bounds and heuristics for solutions to this problem. It also seeks to analyze various characteristics of this problem by comparing the solutions generated by the two proposed heuristics with each other and with the lower bound solutions.
Safety at sea is a major concern of the maritime industry and it is through education and training that continued improvement can be realized. Despite increased awareness there has often only been minimal improvement made to training programs. The steady stream of accidents and disasters at sea are testament to this situation. This paper has been written to encourage a review of present maritim…
The effectiveness of a breakwater can be measured by quantifying the transmission coefficient (KT). The smaller the coefficient, the better the performance of the breakwater. A physical modeling on the proposed breakwater was conducted to identify the coefficient of Perforated Skirt Breakwater (PSB). The PSB model was tested in 2-D wave flume at Ocean Wave Research Laboratory FTSL ITB, to obtai…
This Chapter provides information on the full range of shipboard operations, including loading and discharging of cargo, hose clearing, tank cleaning and gas freeing, ballasting, tanker-to-tanker transfers and mooring. The Chapter also includes information on the safe handling of particular cargoes, such as static accumulator oils, those having a high vapour pressure and those containing hydr…